Bio-Burden Testing

Bio-Burden Testing

Many theatre managers like to have bio-burden levels measured inside their theatres and peripheral areas such as anaesthetic rooms or prep rooms.

Flexible Bio-burden Testing Service

Whether you require annual bio-burden testing, or you’ve just had a deep-clean and want to check out how effective it’s been, our highly flexible bio-burden testing service has been designed to meet your needs.

Bio-burden testing at a time to suit you

Benefits of Cairn Technology Bio-burden Testing:

There are a number of benefits to choosing Cairn Technology to deliver your bio-burden testing:

  • Our sampling procedure is specifically designed for testing the hospital environment in accordance with the requirements of HTM 2025/03-01
  • We use trained consultants, with considerable experience of bio-burden testing in hospitals
  • We produce accurate results for both ultraclean and conventionally ventilated operating theatres
  • We can also provide bio-burden testing for you anaesthetic rooms, sterile prep rooms, scrub rooms, recovery areas and changing rooms
  • As part of the testing process, you will receive a professional, easy-to-read report. This will tell you what we did, what we found and give you recommendations on what to do next
  • We have experience of working with Maquet to develop the protocol for testing their mobile laminar flow units.

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