Workplace Exposure Monitoring
Our workplace exposure monitoring will ensure that you fulfil your COSHH obligations wherever your staff are exposed to hazardous substances in your hospital.
Workplace Exposure Monitoring Report
Our industry accredited consultants manage the work for you, and because we employ both continuous monitoring and personal sampling techniques, we can demonstrate how levels in the workplace atmosphere vary over the period of monitoring. This enables us to provide a comprehensive report including discussions and recommendations based upon our findings.
COSHH Monitoring & WELs
Sometimes referred to as COSHH monitoring or air monitoring, our service will help you to make sure that your work environment falls within the recommended workplace exposure limits (WELs). Our expertise is within the Healthcare sector, working closely with:
- operating theatre departments
- endoscopy suites
- endoscope decontamination units
- pathology laboratories
- dental suites and more
How can we help?
Find out how we can help in your department.
Theatres Department
COSHH monitoring in hospital
operating theatres and
theatre recovery areas.
Endoscopy Department
COSHH monitoring in endoscopy procedure rooms and endoscope decontamination rooms.
Maternity Department
COSHH monitoring through
personal sampling for exposure
to Entonox.
Personal Sampling
Personal exposure monitoring
for staff in maternity and
endoscopy departments.
Inhalable and Respirable Dust Monitoring
We carry out workplace exposure
monitoring in Fracture Clinic
plaster rooms and Orthotics Laboratory.
Histopathology Lab
COSHH monitoring of formaldehyde exposure in staff working with tissue samples.
Radiology Department
Personal sampling for
Entonox and FTIR monitoring for
anaesthetic agents.
Bespoke Air Quality Monitoring
We have been asked for help in
monitoring a wide range of
hazardous chemicals.
Workplace Exposure Monitoring for Traffic Pollution in Hospitals
Would you like to introduce air
purifiers, but don’t know how
to establish the business case?
Benefits of Cairn Technology Workplace Exposure Monitoring:
- You’ll get feedback on the performance of your workplace against workplace exposure limits immediately
- We analyse concentrations of a number of different chemicals simultaneously: get accurate nitrous oxide and volatile anaesthetic agent results together – invaluable when low flows are used
- We can measure concentrations of a large range of chemicals e.g. nitrous oxide and anaesthetic agents, formaldehyde and xylene, peracetic acid/chlorine dioxide/other high level disinfection agents
- Our equipment analyses up to 90 samples of air every hour, which is ideal for monitoring short term exposure to chemicals
- You’ll get incredibly in-depth information about your peak levels and recommendations for improvement
- We’ll carry out a detailed investigation of the workplace to identify any leaks, faulty equipment or potential for improved working practice
- We’ll supply a quality, professional report that clearly explains what we did, what we found and what our recommendations are for further action
- You can be confident that any problems have been identified and that your hospital is complying with COSHH Regulations
Continuous Monitoring and Personal Sampling
When required, we also combine our continuous workplace exposure monitoring with personal sampling to provide a complete workplace monitoring solution.
Personal sampling provides information about individual staff member exposure during their working day. We use this technique to assess exposure in areas where continuous monitoring may not be appropriate, such as delivery suites and recovery areas.
Interested? Call us on 0333 015 4345 to discuss your requirements.
“Ramsay Health Care have used Cairn Technology for workplace exposure monitoring in theatres for a number of years and have always found them very knowledgeable and professional”.
Paul Lightfoot, Group Safety & Wellbeing Manager, Ramsay Health Care