Bespoke Air Quality Monitoring

Bespoke Air Quality Monitoring

When it comes to monitoring exposure levels of specific chemicals in your hospital, we are always happy to help.

Bespoke Air Quality & Hazardous Chemical Monitoring for Hospitals

From monitoring levels of Ethyl Chloride used in a cold spray in anaesthetic rooms to checking cobalt and sodium levels in a hospital boiler house, we have been asked for help in monitoring a wide range of hazardous chemicals.

We have even been approached to carry out lead monitoring and to assess staff exposure to chemicals in disinfectants such as Chlor-Clean.

Whatever your chemical of concern, the team at Cairn Technology are here to help. Just call us on 0333 015 4345 to discuss your requirements.

Our Blog

Hospital indoor air quality

Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings – A Guide to BS 40102-1:2023

BS 40102-1:2023 – Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental…

Acetic Acid Medical Uses, Hazards and Exposure Limits

Acetic acid is a clear and colourless organic liquid with a strong…

Decontamination of Endoscopes and Reusable Medical Devices

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the specific decontamination…

How Does Infection Spread in a Hospital?

In this post we’ll discuss how infections spread in hospitals…

Entonox Monitoring in Maternity Departments

Entonox – also referred to as N20, or “gas and air” - is…

What Is The Purpose of Exposure Monitoring via Air Sampling?

The air in hospitals and healthcare settings can contain numerous…