Specialised Ventilation Testing for Hospitals HTM 03-01

Specialised Ventilation Testing for Hospitals HTM 03-01

Cairn Technology provides commissioning, verification and planned preventative maintenance services to hospitals to help you comply with Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 03-01.

This covers specialised ventilation testing for healthcare premises i.e. critical systems and specifies that they should be inspected quarterly and verified annually.

These ‘critical’ systems include ventilation systems in operating theatres, sterile stores, isolation facilities, HDU & ITU and pharmacy aseptic suites.

Commissioning MUST be carried out on any new system as this is the reference point to which future validation data is compared against.

Thereafter, planned preventative maintenance (PPM), regular inspections and annual verification are required to ensure systems remain fit for purpose. Failure of a robust inspection and maintenance plan may lead to a breakdown in the effective function of such systems, which puts both patients and staff at a higher and unnecessary risk.

What does our ventilation testing service entail?

As commissioning and verification of a system is related to its function, the tests may include:

  • Ensuring sufficient air changes per hour take place.Checking that air pressure differences between the areas are correctly set.
  • Making sure the HEPA filters (high efficiency particulate air filters) are working effectively.
  • Accurately measuring the air velocity at specific points (e.g. within a laminar hood)
  • Counting the number of airborne particles present within an area.
  • Measurement of biological contaminants in specific areas.
  • Visual and mechanical tests of the Air Handling Unit (AHU) and plant machinery.

Clear, Detailed Ventilation Report

Upon completion, we will provide you with a clear, detailed report pinpointing any areas for concern, and showing recommendations on what action to take. Where necessary, we will then facilitate any changes to a system should you require, thereby offering a total solution.

Hospital Ventilation Requirements

Cairn Technology offers an entire turn-key solution to a Trust’s requirements in respect of the HTM 03-01 guidelines. This includes:

  • Independent commissioning and verification of “critical” areas e.g. theatres
  • Independent commissioning and verification of the plant, AHU units and duct work
  • Remedial works
  • Planned Preventative Maintenance* (PPM)
*Subject to agreement with the Trust’s Authorising Engineer

We carry out work in the following areas:

  • UCV/Laminar Flow Theatres
  • Conventionally Ventilated Theatres
  • Cardiac Catheter La
  • Treatment rooms
  • Isolation rooms
  • Sterile Stores and Cleanrooms
  • HDU and ITU facilities

The benefits of using Cairn Technology for Specialised Ventilation Testing:

  • The service is provided by a non-biased, independent third party
  • You receive a detailed, clear report, with test method, results and summary, plus recommendations for improvement
  • We’re a one-stop-shop for testing and monitoring service
  • You’ll be dealing with an ISO accredited company
  • We use a scientific approach and have more than 10 years’ experience in healthcare
  • You’ll receive service from a trusted advisor with proven experience in operating theatres
  • You’ll be confident you’re dealing with a company that is a specialist in healthcare
  • Our service is tailored to suit you – particularly useful for testing when theatres are down
  • You’ll receive friendly customer service and a dedicated account manager
  • Our account managers provide useful after sales support
  • We use proven methodology
  • Your service will be provided at a competitive price

If you are interested in discussing your requirements for this service and obtaining an quote, please contact our workplace environmental monitoring team on 0333 015 4345

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