General Surgery Instruments

General Surgery Instruments

Are you looking for surgical instruments for general surgery? Then why not ask to see our Stille instruments that are warrantied for 30 years?

Handcrafted through 70 steps, they deliver optimum balance, precision and durability, so it’s no wonder they are used by some of the leading general surgeons in the UK.

Whether you are a consultant general surgeon specialising in kidney, liver or pancreas transplants, breast surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, upper and lower gastrointestinal surgery or vascular surgery, we are happy to show you our Stille instruments or loan them for trial where available.

Surgical Instruments

Read on to see a selection of the instruments that we can provide for general surgery:

  • Clamps – Stille Peripheral Vascular Clamp; Stille Mini Spoon-Shaped Multi-Purpose Clamp; Stille Mini Mulit-Purpose Clamp
  • Forceps – Adson Toothed Forceps; Adson Stille Dressing Forceps; Allis Stille Atraumatic Intestinal Grasping Forceps; Babcock Stille Intestinal Grasping Forceps; Crile Stille Artery Forceps; Duval Stille Intestinal Grasping Forceps; Gillies Forceps 1 x 2 Teeth; Stille DeBakey Vascular Forceps; Stille DeBakey Angled Vascular Forceps; Stille DeBakey Crafoord Style Vascualr Forceps; Crafoord Stille Artery Forceps
  • Micro Scissors – Stille SuperCut Micro Vascular Scissors, Stille SuperCut Fine Micro Vascular Scissors
  • Micro Forceps – Stille Diamond Jaws Counterbalanced Micro Forceps, Stille Diamond Jaws Micro Forceps, Stille Micro DeBakey Counterbalanced forceps, Stille Micro DeBakey Forceps, Stille Micro Ring Forceps, Stille Titanium Counterbalanced Micro Forceps, Stille Titanium Micro DeBakey Forceps, Stille Titanium Micro Forceps, Stille Titanium Micro Ring Forceps

    Micro Needle Holders – Stille Micro Needle Holder Regular Box Lock with Ratchet, Stille Micro Neelde Holder Regular Box Lock without Ratchet, Stille Micro Needle Holder Streamline Box Lock with Ratchet, Stille Micro Needle Holder Streamline Box Lock without Ratchet

  • Needle Holders – Halsey Needle Holder; Mayo Hegar Needleholder TC; Ryder Stille Needle Holder
  • Retractors – Langenbeck Stille Retractor; Adson-Stille Self-Retaining Retractor; Stille Breast Retractor; Deaver Stille Retractor
  • Scissors – Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors; Mayo Scissors; Ragnell Stille Mammary Plastic Operating Scissors; Stille SuperCut Vascular Scissors; Stille SuperCut Extra Fine Vascular Scissors

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