
Capturing blood spills during Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

There can be quite a lot of blood when a vein is removed for use in the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft procedure, so what is needed is an absorbent product that soaks up this blood, keeping any surrounding area clean.

What’s more, any product used to absorb the blood needs to be placed against the patient, so it needs to be sterile to reduce the risk of surgical site infection in the open wound.

Why is there so much blood spilled during CABG surgery?

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is commonly used to treat coronary heart disease.

It does this by diverting blood around narrowed or clogged sections of the major arteries to improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart.

Due to the nature of the surgery, there can be a lot of blood spilled during the operation. This is because a CABG involves taking a blood vessel from a part of the body such as an arm, leg or the chest.

This blood vessel is then attached to the coronary artery above and below the narrowed area or blockage.

How Cairn’s Sterile mats can help with a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft blood spill

Our Sterile DryMax Maxi mat is the ideal solution for locking away blood spills during CABG procedures. Each mat absorbs up to 6 litres of water or 2.4 litres of saline and measures 72cm x 37 cm in size.

Being sterile, the mats can be placed next to the patient near the open wound, minimising the risk of surgical site infections. By capturing drips and spills, the mat also reduces the risk of slips from any blood pooling on the floor.

Completely latex-free, this versatile mat can be placed directly beneath the patient and used flat, folded or rolled, depending on the needs of the surgical team.

Sylvia Bristow, Theatre Sister in Cardiothoracic Theatres at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield has found them very useful.

“We use the DryMax Sterile mat when taking a vein from the patient’s leg for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, as this procedure can be very bloody”, says Sylvia. “Not only does the DryMax Sterile mat absorb the blood, it also helps to keep the bandage clean.”

Is the Sterile DryMax Maxi mat right for you?

Are you having issues capturing blood spills during Coronary Artery Bypass Graft procedures? Why not request some free samples? Just call Cairn Technology on 0333 015 4354 or email