Entries by Sarah Clements

Should You Avoid Chrome-Plated Surgical Instruments?

Chrome-plated surgical instruments have long been a popular choice for hospitals. They are durable and highly resistant to scratching, pealing, flaking, chipping, and corrosion. They’re also easy to clean and sterilise. Plus, smooth chrome-plated surfaces can reduce friction, meaning that instruments move exactly as expected during delicate medical procedures. If you have heard that the […]

Top 4 Considerations When Choosing an Absorbent Mat for Your Hospital

Absorbent mats are vital for effective fluid management in hospitals. They can absorb and contain significant quantities of fluids during procedures, which can help prevent slips, trips, and falls. Plus, after procedures you can simply dispose of the mat in the appropriate waste stream. This can help prevent cross infection while making cleaning much easier, […]

Greenwashing in Healthcare – How to Take Effective Action

In recent years, growing numbers of healthcare providers have been accused of “greenwashing”. In this post we’ll explore what greenwashing in healthcare is, and what it looks like. We’ll also explore some ways you can ensure your environmental performance delivers in practice, and not just on paper. What is Greenwashing? “Greenwashing” essentially means that there’s […]

What To Do After Being Exposed to Infected Bodily Fluid

We recently published a guide to safely and effectively cleaning up bodily fluids. This guide largely focused on surfaces and medical devices. But what should you do if you are exposed to infected bodily fluids? When it comes to infection control, prevention is everything. Standard Infection Control Precautions and PPE Follow your Standard Infection Control […]

What is a Clean Air Zone: Which Hospitals Are In Clean Air Zones?

Local authorities are introducing clean air zones in towns cities across the UK. What is a Clean Are Zone? Clean Air Zones are designated areas where authorities will take targeted action to improve the local air quality. The measures mainly involve targeting vehicle emissions with charges for any vehicles that exceed certain emission standards. There […]

Managing Airborne Bacteria and Diseases in Hospitals

During the recent pandemic, one report found that over 40,000 people may have been infected with Covid-19 while being treated in hospital for another condition. This study highlights the vital importance of managing airborne bacteria and diseases in hospitals and other healthcare settings. These are places where individuals with high infection rates can gather and […]

Bodily Fluid Clean Up Procedure

In all healthcare settings, bodily fluids are a major vector for spreading harmful pathogens. For this reason, an effective bodily fluid clean up procedure is one of the 10 Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICP). In this post we will outline the advised bodily fluid clean up procedure while also discussing certain solutions that will help […]

Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings – A Guide to BS 40102-1:2023

BS 40102-1:2023 – Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings is a new code of practice which launched in April 2023. In this post we’ll explain what BS 40102-1:2023 entails and discuss how you can meet the new regulations in your workplace. What is BS 40102? This new code of practice outlines a […]