Surgical Instrument Care Infographic

Poor Air Quality in the Workplace: Is it Safe?

This week, Transport for London announced that it will be introducing air filters on 100 London buses to help stop the spread of COVID-19 after 26 London transport workers have died from the disease.

The filters were originally designed to tackle air pollution but have been repurposed to remove 95% of airborne particles, including those carrying the virus.

Improving Air Quality with Air Purifiers in the Workplace

It seems that the organisation is one of the first to use this technology to safeguard its workforce and customers, however it is anticipated that thousands of businesses will follow suit, investing in air purifiers to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria amongst staff.

More often than not, humans are the main source of airborne diseases in the workplace. When someone sneezes or coughs, tiny water or mucous droplets filled with viruses or bacteria scatter, easily entering the air, and then entering your lungs, making you ill. Even without a cough or sneeze, germs can travel up to six feet away. Some viruses stay suspended in the air for hours.

Reducing Staff Sickness Through Air Quality and Ventilation

In the months and years to come, in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, businesses are likely to take the health and wellbeing of employees more seriously and implement additional measures to safeguard their workforce. Crowded conditions with poor air circulation, like public transport and office environments, make it easy for viruses like colds and flu to spread.

Research shows that airflow and ventilation can dramatically impact how diseases spread indoors. The more stagnant the air in your workplace is, the more likely diseases are to spread.

How to Introduce Air Purifiers to the Workplace

Blueair air purifiers have been advocated for use in the workplace for a number of years.  Testing by the accredited CAS Test Technical Services measured a 99.99% removal rate of the 12 most common viruses and bacteria by the Classic 280i, Classic 480i and Classic 680i, including swine flu (H1N1), E. coli, and Enterovirus (EV71).*

Not only do Blueair purifiers capture harmful airborne viruses and bacteria, but the proprietary HEPASilent™ technology actually kills germs. Internal tests measured 99% of germs were killed by the Blueair Classic family – leaving the bacteria and viruses unviable and unable to reproduce.

It is a relatively simple step – simply plug it in and let it do its thing, but it could make a huge difference to businesses and we anticipate a huge increase in demand over the coming months.

Find out more about our Blueair air purifer range or get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Clean Air: The Smartest Addition To Your Business

Air pollution isn’t new, it’s something that most people are aware of and in bustling congested cities it has become a major health concern. Pollutants such as construction dust, and diesel particulate are trapped in the atmosphere along with smoke, pollen and manufacturing emissions can react with sunlight and create photochemical smog and ground level ozone.

This low down ozone can cause lung damage. It is especially unhealthy for children, whose lungs are developing, and for people with respiratory illnesses like asthma. Ozone can also cause itchy, burning eyes. What people don’t often realise is this pollution can become trapped indoors.

Add this to everyday indoor pollutants and allergens, such as dust, pet dander and bacteria, and the air in your workplace may be up to 5 times more polluted than the air you breathe out and about in the city.

Exposure to indoor air pollution has been linked to the development of everything from infections to asthma to lung cancer. It can also cause less serious side effects such as headaches, nasal congestion, nausea, fatigue and dry eyes. If you suffer from an existing lung condition you will be at a greater risk of experiencing symptoms.

Blue Air is leading the way in air purification and is an ideal addition to public areas such as waiting rooms, communal kitchens or meeting rooms; high traffic areas which have the potential to trap air pollution and hold it indoors. The purifiers catch airborne contaminants down to the size of viruses, plus pollen, dust, pet dander, mould spores, smoke, allergens and bacteria. The combination filter with active carbon even removes odours, gases and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which cause that ground level ozone.

This means that they are not only ideal for protection against the every day pollution which is part of modern life, but also help with conditions such as asthma, allergies, for example hayfever, they remove tobacco smoke and unwanted odours from the air.

Not only do Blue Air purifiers capture harmful airborne viruses and bacteria, but our proprietary HEPASilent™ technology actually kills germs. Internal tests measured 99% of germs were killed by Blueair HealthProtect – leaving the bacteria and viruses unviable and unable to reproduce.

The Blue Air HealthProtect range is suitable for spaces from 38m² to 62m² and will purify the air in your room up to five times per hour. Built in WiFi which enables performance monitoring via the Blueair Friend app through smartphone or tablet, plus voice control convenience via Alexa.

Unique HEPASilent™ technology combines two air purification technologies – electrostatic and mechanical filtration – to bring you the best of both worlds. The HealthProtect air purifiers combine the highest clean air delivery rate (CADR) with whisper-silent operation. In fact, HealthProtect works so quietly that you might have to check to make sure it’s switched on. And it uses less electricity than a light bulb.

As public health has never been more in focus, an investment in clean air will protect your team and visitors from all those pollutants that we associate with outdoors that we are unknowingly breathing indoors.

Will Workplaces Change Forever Post-Covid-19 Pandemic?

As businesses begin to reopen and people return to work, the question is, will workplaces in the UK ever be the same again?

Office Design

Office design has been big business for years, with firms trying to make the maximise capacity in increasingly clever and cool ways. Breakout areas for staff to collaborate away from their desks have been popular, along with communal lunch areas and recreational facilities to provide a break from intensive and intricate tasks.

Social distancing rules now mean that offices simply cannot be so densely populated, and that staff should be mixing as little as possible, with hot desking a complete no no.

Start and Finish Times

There are other perils of the workplace, the first being the entrance and exit. Large number of workers starting and finishing at the same time and accessing the workplace through the same entrance is a social distancing headache.

The immediate answer as suggested in a recent article in The Economist¹ is introducing office shifts, staggered start and finish times, some staff working from home but is this realistic in the long term?

The press widely reported the viewpoint of Jes Staley, Chief Executive of Barclays when he said that big, expensive city offices, “…may be a thing of the past.” He added that the bank was evaluating how much office space it needed.²

Cleaning and making a safe place to work

Big or small, there will always be a need for offices as workplaces. Once inside, office based staff must have confidence that it is a safe place to work. Cleaning must be more often, more thorough and using appropriate products. All high traffic touch points must be cleaned with virucidal disinfectant, and staff must take responsibility for their own personal hygiene with regular hand washing and sanitising becoming the norm.

Employers must take all possible steps to reduce the risk of infection. A recent article by Comparative Immunologist and Professor of Biology, Erin Bromage³, shows how breathing the same air in an enclosed space increased the chance of exposure and infection. Air purification can remove up to 99.99% of viruses from the air, along with bacteria, allergens, and outdoor pollutant as such as diesel particular which become trapped indoors. This is a simple but effective step that all businesses could take to safeguard their workforce. An air purifier, such as the Blue Air Classic can simply be plugged in and within an hour, the air in the room is clean.

The short answer to the question will workplaces in the UK ever be the same is no, it is unlikely. However, we will have leaned valuable lessons not just in the fight against COVID-19, but in the responsibility of businesses to provide a safe working environment.




Face Masks & Beards: Will Corona Kill The Beard?

Facial hair has become a fashion staple in recent years. From uber manicured stubble, to the full on hipster beard, it’s a trend that has shown no signs of slowing. Until now.

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen life change immeasurably for millions of people around the world an everyone taking the necessary steps to keep both themselves and their loved ones safe.

The use of face masks to protect against Coronavirus continues to be a hot topic and until such time as a vaccine is found it is likely that we will see their widespread use.

However, to be effective, masks must be used correctly. And this is where the beard could meet its demise. It stands to reason that the closer a mask can fit, the more effective it is. It has long been a rule that healthcare workers with facial hair cannot have a mask fitted. The Journal of Hospital Infection has today published a study which backs up the theory that keeping the beard could put men at greater risk from airborne particles. For more information, read the study.

Hospitals will lead from the front and advise staff accordingly, as their frontline teams will must be face fit tested with masks creating an adequate seal. However it is important that this message filters down to key workers and care staff, so that no matter what grade of mask they are using they can get the best out of it and keep themselves safe.

Finally, it is likely that we will see the general public using masks for some time to come and it is key that everyone knows how to get the most out of their facemask.

So it could be bye bye beards…

Return To Work After Covid: Duty of Care & Sanitation

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, there’s been a range of different rules and recommendations for the workplace. It was often difficult to make concrete plans until the government released their own plans and recommendations at different stages. But many business owners and managers are already thinking about how it might work and what procedures they’ll want to keep for the long term.

Duty of Care in the Workplace

What is apparent is that employers will have a duty to provide a safe working environment in which their team feels confident. This will be done through a combination of staggered work times, distancing in the workplace, strict sanitation rules and enhanced cleaning programmes.

Infection Control and Sanitation at Work

As infection control specialists, we have supported the medical and care sectors for decades, with advice, cleaning schedules and high level cleaners and disinfectants. We are a tried and tested partner in the prevention and containment of infection.

More recently this has extended to businesses, and we’ve been using our expertise to keep things moving pre-lockdown and now getting them back to work.

Cleaning Products for Viruses in the Workplace

You’ll want to ensure the cleaning products you use in the workplace are adequate and able to disinfect surfaces effectively and with long-lasting protection. Our virusidal, microbial and sporicidal Virusolve+ products are independently lab tested and proven to be effective against a wide range of common viruses, bacteria and even superbugs. This includes COVID-19, ‘Flu, Norovirus, MRSA, C.Diff, Hepatitis, E.Coli, Salmonella, and many, many more.

Not only that, in its ready to use form Virusolve+ is non hazardous. It is Defra approved for use in food preparation areas, and CQC approved. It also has a residual effect which can continue to work for up to seven days. It is the ideal product to use in a workplace to keep staff safe and comes as a liquid, spray or in a wipe format.

Installing Hand Sanitiser in the Workplace

Now workers are back in the office, hand sanitiser will be a crucial way to help stop the spread of viruses and bacteria in the office. The Virusan hand sanitiser we recommend comes as a liquid or gel and these products will be vital in workplaces to ensure good personal hygiene practices. Again, businesses can rest assured that these are hospital grade products, and of the correct standards to safeguard staff.

As government plans unfold and change, new requirements will become apparent, but for businesses planning now, please contact us for infection control advice and guidance.

Email: Tel: 0845 226 0185


Why PPE Must Really Protect

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic there is much being reported about PPE, and in particular, the distinct lack of it.

Cairn Technology has been a health and safety expert in the medical sector for over 20 years and has worked extensively with UK hospitals in providing top quality PPE for chemical spills, and training staff in the correct usage of the equipment. This puts us in a ideal position to enter the current debate on the situation in the UK.

The first thing to be aware of is that there are different grades of PPE. Frontline workers need equipment which meets certain standards, using lesser quality items puts them at risk of infection. And whilst there is an argument that says something is better than nothing, these people have a right to do their job with the correct equipment and protection.

Many organisations have responded to the shortage by manufacturing PPE, however, unless it can be verified to these standards it cannot be commissioned for frontline staff. By the same token, there are news reports that, for example, millions of facemasks have been offered to the government by UK companies. What isn’t properly reported is that these masks are either not of the standard required, or the prices are prohibitive.

Cairn has been working extensively with front line staff on face fit testing – to ensure that the FFP3 masks worn by those providing primary care fit with an effective seal around the face. This provides 96% protection for the wearer, and is why you may have seen pictures of doctors and nurses with bruised faces from long days wearing these items. To dispel another myth, surgical masks which simply cover the nose and mouth without creating an effective seal are not adequate for frontline staff.

The cost of one of the recommended FFP3 masks was previously in the £5-£6 bracket. The asking price for the few which are available is now around £40 per mask. This kind of unethical profiteering is preventing equipment from reaching the frontline. Whilst the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis has been unprecedented it is important that the public understand that all spending must be paid back somehow, at some future point.

It seems that some supplies of PPE are now reaching the frontline, but the need will continue long into the future. One of the best ways for us to keep frontline staff safe is to ensure that what equipment they are provided with is up to standard and provides adequate protection. The public getting caught up in the media storm and buying into unreliable reporting is not helpful and detracts from the task in hand.

As a long term supplier of PPE, Cairn Technology is working hard to try to source the correct equipment at a fair price, to enable us to continue long term relationships within the medical and care industries. Our customer relationships are built on trust and that is something that we will not be exploiting.

Watch this space for updates.

Air purifiers and Coronavirus (Covid-19)

High quality air purifiers can trap and remove a variety of airborne disease and viruses. In fact, the Blueair air purifiers we have in stock have been third-party tested and proven to have a clearance rate of 99.99% of the most common viruses and bacteria, including H1N1 influenza, Staphylococcus aureus, E-coli and Aspergillus.

Not only do these air purifiers trap harmful airborne viruses and bacteria, but their proprietary HEPASilent™ technology actually kills the germs. Carrying out internal tests of the Blueair Classic 200 Series on maximum fan speed under normal temperature and humidity conditions, Blueair found that 99% of germs were killed, leaving the bacteria and viruses unviable and unable to reproduce.

Can air purifiers filter out Covid particles?

As the new Coronavirus (Covid-19) was not discovered until 2019, Blueair air purifiers have yet to be tested to see how effective they are at capturing and removing this virus. What we can say is that Blueair’s HEPASilent™ filtration technology captures at least 99.97% of airborne particles down to 0.1 microns in size. This includes any viruses with a particle size of at least 0.1 micron. Corona viruses measure about 0.12 micron.

How do air purifiers work?

After the ultra-quiet fan draws air from the room into the air purifier, airborne particles receive an electrical charge that causes them to stick more quickly and easily to the polypropylene filters. The combination of electrical charging and high air draft inactivates viruses and bacteria.

What’s more, because the charged particles adhere to the fibres in the filter more easily, the filter can be less dense, meaning the fan pushes through more air with less pressure, noise and energy consumption. This lower density also reduces clogging, optimising the purifier’s ongoing effectiveness.

Air purifiers for hospitals, clinics and laboratories

If you are considering using air purifiers in specific rooms in your hospital, clinic or laboratory to remove a range of airborne diseases, please take a look at our Blueair range.

If you have any questions, please send us a message or call us on 0845 226 0185.

Micro Surgery Instruments: Micro Scissors, Forceps & Needle Holder Technology

When it comes to selecting micro instruments for your next instrument set, you can rest assured that there are some exceptional products on the market.

In this article, we look at a number of materials and design features that are enabling cutting-edge instrument performance in the field of micro surgery.

Micro Scissors Innovations Making the Cut

German Surgical instrument manufacturer, Lawton, has developed a wide range of micro-scissors with flat spring or round spring type handles that incorporate a number of innovative design features.

In addition to stainless steel, they can be made from titanium. This non-magnetic material allows for use during MRI and minimises the inconvenience of magnetised needles during procedures.

Fracture-proof and corrosion resistant, titanium is stronger and more durable that stainless steel, whilst its lightness facilitates precise working without fatigue.

Lawton has also developed a number of stainless steel and Titanium models with a ceramic coating to provide a much harder instrument surface and higher sliding capability.

In addition, some of Lawton’s micro scissors with flat spring handles offer increased sliding capability due to a streamlined design at the joint.

Whilst some of Lawton’s round spring handled models come with a lightweight handle with special cavities to enable fatigue-proof working.

Swedish instrument manufacturer, Stille, has also been expanding its line of micro instruments to include new titanium patterns. Its micro scissors are the only ones on the market with Supercut scissor blades: one knife blade and one scissor blade providing precise cutting to the very tip.

The innovative joint screw design also allows for easy removal for instrument servicing.

If you would like a demonstration of any of these micro scissors contact our surgical instrument team now on 0333 015 4345 or email

Get a Grip of these Advances in Micro Forceps

If you are looking for micro forceps with greater durability than stainless steel and improved gripping of fine sutures, then Stille’s titanium Diamond Jaws models are definitely worth trying out.

Lawton has also enhanced the performance of micro forceps with its PERFECT-GRIP jaws, which are specially coated to ensure a gentle, non-slip grasping of vessels, tissues, needles and sutures.

Some of their round spring typed handled forceps also incorporate a lightweight handle with special cavities to enable fatigue-proof working.

If you are interested in comparing the look and feel of these micro forceps, call our surgical instrument team now on 0333 015 4345 or email

Micro Needle Holders to Keep an Eye On

Again incorporating Diamond Jaws for greater durability and enhanced gripping capability, Stille’s micro needle holders are designed to hold the finest sutures in a tight and secure grip. For heavier models, the use of tungsten carbide inserts allows for an even stronger grip.

Lawton’s range of micro needle holders also incorporates a number of features to optimise performance during surgery. From titanium and ceramic coated instruments giving enhanced durability and improved sliding capability, through to PERFECT-GRIP jaws and a lightweight handle design, Lawton’s range is packed with features to accommodate every micro surgeon’s preferences and needs.

If you would like a demonstration of any Stille or Lawton micro needle holders, please contact our surgical instrument team now on 0333 015 4345 or email

More Information on Micro Instruments

If you would like more information on our titanium micro instruments. You can also contact us to arrange an appointment to see or trial our micro instruments. Just call us on 0333 015 4345.

Are Stille SuperCut Scissors Really a Cut Above the Rest?

If you are a surgeon with an eye for excellent surgical instruments, you may have noticed that SuperCut-type scissors are no longer made exclusively by Stille, except when it comes to micro scissors.

This is despite the fact that the Swedish instrument company actually invented and launched the original SuperCut scissors in 1982.

However, despite there now being other makes of SuperCuts on the market, several independent studies have shown that Stille SuperCuts are continuing to outperform other brands. In fact, the findings might surprise you.

So what’s so good about Stille’s SuperCuts?

There are four key areas that set Stille SuperCut scissors above other brands:

1. Unique design for cutting

Designed for cutting all types of soft tissue, Stille’s SuperCut scissors have two cutting surfaces that are sharp to the very tip and work together in a unique way.

That is because one cutting surface is a scissor blade and one is a knife blade. This means that the surgeon can use the scissors to cut with extreme precision, relying on an instrument that combines maximum cutting power with minimal force to produce the perfect cut.

All other brands of so-called ‘SuperCut’ scissors are made differently from Stille, usually with serrations on one blade that are allegedly designed to grip tissue. However, due to the way that Stille handcrafts its SuperCut scissors, they are actually much sharper than other brands of ‘SuperCut’ scissors.

2. Ergonomic, ambidextrous design

Stille has also put a lot of thought into the design and ergonomics of their SuperCut scissors to create a light but balanced instrument that minimises fatigue and maximises efficiency.

With smooth finger rings, shanks designed for feeling and balance and a strong screw joint for maintaining the correct tension between blades, the scissors provide the surgeon with a smooth fingertip feeling.

The scissors are also flexible for the needs of different surgeons. For example, due to the way in which the scissors are sharpened, they can be used by both left and right-handed surgeons.

What’s more, the scissors have larger finger rings than some other brands, which is useful for surgeons with larger hands or those that use a double glove technique.

3. A removable screw for effective servicing

Another unique feature of Stille’s SuperCut Scissors compared to other brands is that its joint screw can be removed by Stille’s technicians during servicing to inspect for corrosion.

Other SuperCut brands do not have this capability, meaning that both the cleanliness and longevity of these instruments can be compromised.

This was supported by a study(1)that compared two German brands of scissors with Stille scissors. The study found that only Stille’s scissors had a screw that could be removed during servicing; it was also the only scissor with no signs of corrosion under the joint.

What’s more, the removable screw design ensures that the SuperCut scissors can be sharpened back to their original condition by Stille’s expert craftsmen during servicing. This is because large amounts of blade material do not need to be ground away, something that would inevitably change the shape and size of the blades until they are no longer close enough for a good cut.

In addition, by removing the screw during servicing, the surface of the blades can be fully resurfaced, removing any crevices where pockets of dirt may hide.

4. An outstanding 30-year warranty

Unlike other brands, Stille guarantees that their SuperCut scissors will last for 30 years, providing that they are handled and sterilised correctly and that Stille’s own expert craftsmen carry out any servicing.

In fact, Stille offer the first service for free, which is typically required after three years of use, although the surgeon decides when his or her instruments are ready for servicing.

Whilst a 30-year warranty might sound very long, date codes on Stille instruments returned for servicing often show that they have been in regular hospital use for more than 40 years.

This was also shown to be the case in an independent study to test whether Stille hand-crafted surgical scissors really did deliver on the manufacturer warranty of 30 years. In fact, the study found that 74% of the Stille scissors used in a busy surgical centre were actually over 50 years old.(2)

Want to see Stille SuperCut scissors in action?

If you would like to find out more about our Stille SuperCut scissors just click here (Link to new SuperCut Scissors section on website).

You can also contact our Cairn instrument team on 0845 226 0185 to arrange for a demonstration of our Stille SuperCut scissors or to evaluate an instrument on loan.


(1) Anette Karppinen, ORN, Access to crevices critical for surgical instrument safety. Presented SEORNA, Swedish Operating Nurse Association, Conference Meeting, 29-30 November 2012.

(2) Dahl G, Ölveback T, Wiklung L. Quality surgical instruments best investment. Presented: SEORNA, Swedish Operating Nurse Association Conference Meeting, 29-30 November 2012