Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings – A Guide to BS 40102-1:2023

BS 40102-1:2023 – Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings is a new code of practice which launched in April 2023.

In this post we’ll explain what BS 40102-1:2023 entails and discuss how you can meet the new regulations in your workplace.

What is BS 40102?

This new code of practice outlines a monitoring and reporting strategy for assessing wellbeing and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of non-domestic buildings. It establishes a rating system for benchmarking the quality of the:

  • Air
  • Light
  • Thermal comfort
  • Acoustics and soundscape

With these benchmark scores, facility managers can identify any problematic areas and make any necessary improvements.

BS 40102 applies to all forms of non-domestic buildings, existing or new.

Why Has ‘Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings’ Been Introduced?

The BSI Group acknowledges that previous regulations, coupled with certain commercial pressures, encouraged designers, builders, and facility managers to prioritise energy efficiency. All too often, a focus on energy efficiency means that the health and wellbeing of a building’s occupants gets overlooked. For instance, a building might be constructed with efficient insulation, but with little thought given to the quality of ventilation and light levels.

These new standards will help facility managers and others improve the IEQs of the buildings they oversee. Improving IEQ can help reduce operating costs through increasing energy efficiency. But for hospitals and other healthcare settings, addressing IEQ can help improve staff and patient health and wellbeing while contributing to infection prevention and control.

BS 40102 Air Quality Standards

When it comes to air quality, BS 40102 outlines rating systems for:

Example Indoor Environmental Quality Benchmarks

Below are the BS 40102 rating systems for two forms of particulate matter – PM2.5 and PM10.


Level Description 24 Hour Average (μg/m3)
0 Very High ≥32
1 High 16 – <32
2 Acceptable 10 – <16
3 Low 5 – <10
4 Very Low <5



Level Description 24 Hour Average (μg/m3)
0 Very High ≥68
1 High 46 – <68
2 Acceptable 30– <46
3 Low 10 – <30
4 Very Low <10


How Cairn Technology Can Help You Meet BS 40102 Regulations

We can measure the air quality throughout your healthcare setting and monitor your staff’s exposure levels to any potentially harmful substances. As well as the hazardous pollutants covered by BS 40102, we can also test for levels of sevoflurane, isoflurane, Entonox, and more. This will help you understand your risk levels so you can devise an air quality solution that works for you. Head here to learn more about our bespoke air quality monitoring services.

We also stock a range of specialist air purification systems. Our Blueair HealthProtectTM  air purifiers are fitted with advanced HEPASilent technology. This is capable of catching 99.97% of particles down to 0.1 microns, including PM2.5 fine air particles, as well as VOCs, dust, mould, and up to 99% of viruses and bacteria. Browse our full range of hospital grade air purifiers.

Women in Surgery in England – looking back, moving forward

The number of women in surgery in England is growing, but there are still significant issues facing female surgeons.

According to the Royal College of Surgeons in England, the ratio of male to female consultant surgeons in the UK is approximately 8:1.

This disparity between male and female surgeons is marked. It reflects that fact that for many centuries women were barred by men from practicing surgery in the UK.

Only in 1876, did parliamentary legislation open up medical and university education for women. By the end of that century, women were able to study medicine at almost all British universities.

By 1919 there were only four women Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; 90 years later this figure was 1184.

Women in surgery today

Today, more women than ever are considering medicine as a career. In fact, according to the Universities and College Admissions Service (UCAS), in 2020, 64% of people accepted on to medicine and dentistry degree courses in the UK were women.

The numbers of female surgeons are also rising. Based on 2022 data from NHS Digital, in 1991, 3% of consultant surgeons in the UK were female and this rose to 14.7% in 2022. In terms of surgical specialisms, the highest percentage of female surgeons are in paediatric surgery at almost 30%, followed by plastic surgery at around 22%.

Issues facing today’s female surgeons

Whilst surgeons can already work long and unsociable hours, this lifestyle can prove particularly difficult for women who need to take on the main responsibility for parenting.

In 2021, the Kennedy Review made a key recommendation to deliver a flagship Parents in Surgery project to help current and prospective surgeons balance parenthood and a surgical career.

Then in 2022 the RCS England commissioned the Nuffield Trust to carry out an independent review of the impact of parental or caring responsibilities on pursuing a career in surgery.

All of this will hopefully help female surgeons to find a workable and healthier balance between providing their surgical expertise, whilst having time to properly care for their children.

Sadly, another issue facing female surgeons that has recently been highlighted in the media is that fact that many are experience sexual harassment or assault in the workplace.

According to a study published in the British Journal of Surgery, almost one in three female surgeons working in the NHS said they have been sexually assaulted in the past five years.

This has led the chair of the Women in Surgery forum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England to call for the creation of a national implementation panel to oversee action on the report’s recommendations and for incidents of sexual misconduct to be independently investigated.

In addition, a Guardian/British Medical Journal investigation found that more than 35,600 “sexual safety incidents” had been recorded in NHS hospitals in England over the past five years.

Clearly, these sorts of findings may in themselves put off some very talented women from entering the profession or indeed being able to continue in it.

Women together – support for female surgeons

Thankfully, there is a strong support network for women specialising in surgery. It’s called Women in Surgery (WinS) and is a national initiative dedicated to encouraging, enabling and inspiring women to fulfil their surgical career ambitions.

By registering for the WinS network you can connect with over 6,000 women from all career grades and specialties across the UK to collaborate, network and find support. To find out more and how to join click here.




UK NHS Waiting List Targets – Where Are We?

Following the global pandemic, a number of enforced government lockdowns, and a few other factors, patients across the UK are currently facing long waiting lists for even the most routine of treatments.

In this post we’ll review the NHS waiting list situation across the UK and explore how the government are progressing on their targets to address the issue.

UK NHS Waiting Lists in 2022 – A Brief Review

Nearly a year ago, we assessed the current state of the NHS backlog. Based on British Medical Association figures, there were:

  • Over 6.84 million people waiting for treatment.
  • 7 million patients waiting more than 18 weeks for treatment (the NHS’s self-imposed “maximum waiting time”).
  • Nearly 400,000 patients waiting more than a year for treatment.
  • A median waiting time of around 13.3 weeks for all treatments.

At the same time, the BMA referred to a “hidden backlog” of patients needing care who had not yet found their way into the health system.

Are NHS Waiting Lists Getting Worse?

Unfortunately, all signs indicate that across the UK, NHS waiting lists are getting worse. More recently, we covered how it’s not just waiting lists that are getting longer. UK patients are also facing excessive waits to see ambulances. In one extreme case, an 85 year old woman had to wait a total of 40 hours to get to A&E.

UK NHS Waiting Lists in 2023 – Where Are We Now?

As we’ve seen, in mid-2022 there were around 6.84 million people waiting to start routine hospital treatment in England alone. As of September 2023, it seems the figure for England has risen to 7.68 million people, a further rise from the 7.57 million people who were waiting for treatment in June 2023.

For England, this is the biggest the waiting list has ever been since records began in 2007.

The latest data shows that:

  • 389,952 people in England have been waiting more than 52 weeks to start routine hospital treatment.
  • By the end of July 2023, 7,289 people in England had been waiting more than 19 months to start routine treatment.
  • The proportion of cancer patients who were able to see a specialist within two weeks of urgent referral fell from 80.5% in June 2023, to 77.5% in July. The NHS’s target is 93%.
  • In A&E, 73% of patients are being seen within four hours. The NHS set a standard of 95%, and the government set a “recovery target” of 73%.

In Wales, around 30,000 people have been waiting more than two years for hospital treatment. Scotland and Northern Ireland differ in how they define their waiting lists. But according to The Guardian, the best “broadly equivalent figures” show that around one in nine people in Scotland, and up to 36% of people in Northern Ireland, are waiting for care.

What is the Plan to Reduce UK NHS Waiting Lists?

In June 2023, the government published a 2023 mandate to NHS England. This mandate highlights long waiting lists, and long A&E and ambulance waiting times, as the key challenges currently facing the NHS. As part of the plan to address these issues, the mandate outlines “record funding”, with an investment of an additional £3.3 billion a year in 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025.

This increased funding will, they claim, “enable rapid action to improve emergency, elective, and primary care performance towards pre-pandemic levels.”

The mandate only applies to NHS England. In August 2023, health secretary Steve Barclay invited the Welsh and Scottish governments to discuss how best to tackle the NHS waiting list issue. Official counterparts in Northern Ireland were also invited to the meeting “in the absence of a functioning government”.

The aim is that the four nations can discuss how they might make their data more comparable, and how they might learn from the different approaches taken by NHS England and the devolved health authorities.

Improving Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare Settings

While we cannot help you address long waiting lists in your hospital, we can help you to improve staff safety and well-being, and reduce theatre turnaround times.

Get in touch to talk to one of our experts today.

Cairn supports amazing Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

Here at Cairn Technology, we are delighted to have raised £2,300 for the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF) since starting to donate in November 2021.

We are very proud to be supporting this amazing charity, as it provides life-saving medical equipment for the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit (LCHU), as well as parent accommodation for families, and vital ward resources.

In addition, the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund also funds staff training, scientific research, and new clinical roles.

Major requests for funding are reviewed by the board of trustees, which has awarded over £10 million in grants to the LCHU and the region’s supporting hospitals, helping countless congenital heart disease patients and their families.

Why and how we support CHSF

We have a strong personal connection with the charity, as one of our staff members has a daughter who was treated at the Heart Unit.

We will be funding vital equipment for the charity, as well as making contributions throughout the year to Bella’s INR home testing kit.

These kits reduce stress and allow a patient to test their blood levels themselves at home without missing school for hospital appointments.

Why help this children’s charity?

CHSF are wholly funded by donations from the public and business. So far, those donations have enabled the charity to help over 17,000 babies, children and adults living with congenital heart disease (CHD) each year.

So, if you are looking to support a children’s charity, this one should definitely be at the top of your list. And there are so many ways that you can get involved!

To get started, why not order a free fundraising pack which will give you plenty of fundraising ideas. Or if you already have your fundraising idea, you will need to register.

You can also find out about the various scheduled CHSF fundraising events at this link:




Green Theatre Checklist Explained – How to Make Your Theatre More Environmentally Friendly

The Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist was developed by a number of UK and Ireland surgical colleges. It provides some guidelines for how operating theatres can cut down on their carbon emissions and work towards sustainability in healthcare.

In this post we’ll provide an essential overview of the Green Theatre Checklist, and the guidance it contains.

A Brief Introduction to the Green Theatre Checklist

Studies show that surgery is a carbon intensive process. A single operation is estimated to generate up to 170kgCO2e, which is about the same as driving 450 miles in a petrol car.

The Green Theatre Checklist is divided into four sections:

  • Anaesthetic care
  • Surgery preparation
  • Intraoperative practice
  • Postoperative measures

Each section contains a number of guidelines and policies to support surgical teams in working towards better environmental, social, and economic impacts.

How To Make Operating Theatres More Environmentally Friendly

Below we’ll provide a quick overview of the guidelines contained within each section of the Green Theatre Checklist.

Anaesthetic Care

  • Source anaesthesia from your local area wherever possible.
  • Limit your Nitrous Oxide use to specific cases, and regularly check your equipment for possible leaks.
  • For inhalation anaesthesia, use sevoflurane instead of isoflurane, as it has a lower “global warming potential”.
  • Switch to reusable equipment wherever possible (such as laryngoscopes, underbody heaters, slide sheets, and trays.)
  • Minimise your drug waste. Introduce the policy: “Don’t open it unless you need it.”

Surgery Preparation

  • Switch to reusable textiles wherever possible, including theatre hats, sterile gowns, patient drapes, and trolley covers.
  • Reduce your water and energy consumption. Install automatic or pedal controlled water taps and adopt a “rub not scrub” approach: After your first water scrub of the day, use alcohol rub for all subsequent hand hygiene procedures.
  • Avoid clinically unnecessary interventions, such as the use of antibiotics and catheterisation.

Intraoperative Practice

  • Review and rationalise your surgeon preference lists, your single-use surgical packs, and your instrument sets. In each case, separate the essential vs. the optional, identify the surplus, and only open what you need when you need it.
  • Avoid any unnecessary equipment, again taking the approach: “Don’t open it unless you need it.”
  • Switch to reusable, hybrid, or remanufactured equipment wherever possible.
  • Switch to low carbon alternatives wherever appropriate (e.g., skin sutures instead of clips).

Postoperative Measures

  • Recycle wherever possible or use the lowest carbon appropriate waste streams. Use domestic or recycling waste streams for all packaging and use the non-infectious waste streams unless there’s a clear risk of infection.
  • Encourage active equipment maintenance and aim to repair damaged reusable equipment rather than replacing it.
  • When the theatre’s not in use, turn off all lights, computers, ventilation, and temperature control.

Access the Full Green Theatre Checklist

For more, you can access and download the full Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist.

Disclaimer – Infection Control Procedures

Bear in mind that these are just suggestions. They should not override your existing policies and procedures.

For example, working towards a green theatre should not come at the expense of infection prevention and control. Standard Infection Control Precautions and most PPE guidelines stress the importance of using disposable products so as to reduce the chances of cross-infection.

In this way, the Green Theatre Checklist seems to contradict infection control guidelines, as the checklist recommends switching to reusable equipment wherever possible.

As an operating theatre manager, you’ll have to carry out a thorough risk assessment so as to ensure that none of your Green Theatre policies compromise your infection prevention and control measures.

Help for Operating Theatre Managers

At Cairn Technology, we specialise in helping operating theatre managers improve efficiency, surgical outcomes, and staff and patient safety.

Find out more about our products and services for hospitals.

Or why not get in touch to talk to one of our experts today.

Healthcare Estates Conference 2023 – Come see us there!

The Healthcare Estates Conference 2023 is being held at Manchester Central this year from 10th to 11th November. And it’s promising to be a great event for estates and facilities managers in the healthcare sector.

We’ll be exhibiting on stand A57, so if you are one of our many existing customers for workplace exposure monitoring, personal sampling or chemical spill management do drop by to say hello.

If our name is completely new to you, we would also love to see you and talk to you about how we can help you.

Healthcare Estates Conference 2023 – What’s New
We are bringing a couple of new products with us to Healthcare Estates 2023 that are designed to help both staff and patients stay safe in the hospital environment.

Our Blueair Health Protect range of air purifiers are ideal for places where staff and patients congregate including waiting areas, meeting rooms, wards and restaurants.

Our Blueair air purifiers remove and kill 99% of viruses and bacteria captured in the filter. They also comprise HEPASilent technology which catches 99.97% of particles down to 0.1 microns such as viruses and bacteria. Just click here to see our full range:

Also in the spotlight at the Healthcare Estates Exhibition, will be our new Sundstrom Air Fed Hood kits. These are ideal for staff that cannot use standard respirators from our chemical spill kits. This may be due to not yet having had a proper face-fit test, or because they have facial hair which prevents effective face-fitting.

Click here for more information:

What we can also help you with @HCEstates?

We can also talk you though our range of COSHH workplace exposure monitoring services and personal sampling for theatre, endoscopy and maternity departments. Or help you to find the right chemical spill kit and training for your needs.

Learning and Networking at the Healthcare Estates conference

Of course, we are sure that two of the main reasons that you will be attending the event are to tap into knowledge transfer and networking opportunities.

To find out more about these just visit or click here to register to attend

We look forward to seeing you there!


6 Must-See UK Medical Events for Autumn/Winter 2023

Summer might be almost over, but there are still plenty of insightful and engaging events to get your teeth into this year.

Whether you are a consultant surgeon, a theatre manager, an estates manager, or anyone interested in digital healthcare and medical developments, there will be something in the months ahead worth popping in your diary.

Here are just six great events to whet your appetite:


BOA Annual Congress 2023 – 19th to 22nd September

Taking place from 19th to 22nd September 2023 in Liverpool, the British Orthopaedic Association’s annual congress is based around the theme of Sustainable Systems.

Offering lectures, debates, discussions and a focus on its training programmes, the event promises insights into a range of orthopaedic specialisms including spine, shoulder/elbow, foot/ankle and knee. To find out more about this medical event click here:


BAAPS 2023 – 28th to 29th September

Taking place on 28th and 29th September at the I.E.T London – Savoy Place, The British Association of Aesthetic Surgeons’ 2023 Congress will focus on Body Contouring & Facial Surgery.

BAAPS is a charity that aims to advance innovation, excellence, education and safety in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. To find out more about this medical congress click here:


Healthcare Estates – 10th to 11th October

Taking place in Manchester this October, this conference is the UK’s Largest Event for Healthcare Engineering and Estates Management Professionals.

With over fifty industry speakers and a host of presentations, workshops and networking opportunities, the event promises plenty of opportunity to engage with the issues shaping the sector.

There will also be 200 exhibiting companies to help you source a wealth of products and solutions. For more information click here:


Future Surgery – 14th to 15th November

Taking place at ExCel in London this November, the Future Surgery Show offers two days of CPD accredited professional development for the entire perioperative team.

The speaker programme explores topics such as global health innovation, disruptive technology and innovation in surgery. It will also look into human factors and research to support the transformation of the profession and the improved care and safety of patients.

With over 100 exhibitors, the event is also the ideal place to source products and services to underpin surgical excellence and optimise patient care. To find out more click here:


Digital Health World Congress 2023 – 29th to 30th November

Taking place in London this year, at the Kensington Conference and Event Centre, this 2-day congress is a great place to network with experts and thought-leaders in the field of medical technology.

With 25 keynotes and speakers, the event promises to deliver a wealth of learning and insights, covering topics as diverse as wearable health technology, immersive technologies, cybersecurity and much more. For more information click here:


BAPRAS Congress 2023 – 29th November – 1st December

Taking place at the Hilton Newcastle in Gateshead, this year’s Congress is subtitled ‘Interface’ in recognition of the vast working relationships that plastic surgery has with other surgical specialties.

As such, a number of different Associations and Societies are included on this year’s guest programme, including the BOA, BSSH, BOOS, BAOMS and many more.

In addition to the conference, there will be several social events, including a networking evening for potential fellows, and the Association Dinner. Find out more here:

Why not keep an eye on our blog and social media for more event news? We’ll be exhibiting at some of these events ourselves, such as Healthcare Estates and Future Surgery, so it would be great to see you there.


Why Is There a Shortage of Healthcare Workers in the UK?

The NHS is facing chronic staff shortages.

In this post we’ll discuss some of the problematic areas, and explore some of the root causes for the shortages.

Which Roles are Facing Shortages?


Before the 2020 pandemic, the UK was already facing a shortage of around 50,000 nurses. In December 2020, the Health Foundation said that the government will need to exceed its target of 50,000 new nurses in England by 2024/2025 if the NHS is to fully recover.

General Practitioners (GPs)

Official figures in March 2022 showed that one in 17 doctors’ posts – 5.8% in total – are unfilled.

These same figures suggested that the total number of unfilled posts across health services had risen to 110,192.


According to one report, at the end of 2020 there were 23,733 dentists providing care in England. By the end of January 2022, this figure had fallen to 21,544.

For more on the dentist shortage, read our full analysis of the shortage of NHS dentists.

Care Staff

One report suggests that 8.2% of care roles are unfilled. This amounts to a shortage of around 100,000 carers. A shortage of carers mean that many patients are “stuck” in hospital. They cannot be discharged because there isn’t the care staff to support them outside of hospital.

So a shortage of care workers will worsen the wider crisis in healthcare through limiting the number of hospital beds available.

What’s Causing The Shortage of Healthcare Staff?

A few factors are contributing to the shortage of healthcare staff.

  • The Pandemic – Most figures indicate that there were already staff shortages even before the pandemic begun. But Covid-19 compounded things, leading to an immense backlog of care. There may simply be more patients and more procedures than the workforce can manage.
  • Working conditions – Low pay, high pressure, and burnout from heavy workloads is causing many healthcare workers to quit. This is also why UK healthcare has seen industrial action in late 2022 and early 2023.
  • Recruitment – Regular news stories about the dire conditions healthcare workers face may discourage many from starting a career in healthcare. Brexit also contributed to a substantial drop in healthcare workers coming to the UK from EU countries.
  • Policies and Management – The government removed the nursing bursary in 2015. The Royal College of Nursing claim this was a key reason why nurse numbers dropped in the years leading up to the pandemic. Though the government would later partially reverse this policy, the damage may already be done.

What Are The Plans To Address These Shortages?

Official figures in October 2022 suggested that there have been slight rises in staffing across multiple healthcare sectors. But this increase in staffing will not be enough to meet demands.

Long-Term Workforce Plan

In November 2022, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt made a pledge for a long-term workforce plan for the NHS. This plan does not appear to have been published yet.

Cross-Party Coalition

There have been calls for a cross-party coalition to address the situation. The suggestion is a “war-footing”. Public buildings could be converted into pop-up healthcare services so that volunteers could relieve some of the burden on ambulances and hospitals. Retired doctors and nurses could be encouraged to return to work, and “private sector hospitals and clinics should be commandeered.”

But a trio of healthcare specialists have released a statement against such drastic action. They point out that any workers returning to the fold would face “a bureaucratic mountain to climb”, and that the current political parties are so dysfunctional that collaboration seems impossible.

In the meantime healthcare services across the country are facing fresh job cuts and fresh industrial action.

Improving Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare Settings

Whilst we cannot help you address staff shortages in your hospital, we can help you to improve staff safety and well-being, and reduce theatre turnaround times.

Get in touch to talk to one of our experts today.


The Link Between Adult Social Care and Hospital Discharges

The NHS is currently facing a significant backlog that shows no sign of easing in the foreseeable future.

As a measure for easing the pressures, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has discussed greater investment in social care.

In this post, we’ll explore the link between adult social care and hospital discharges. We shall explain how investing in social care may help free up hospital beds for other critical care patients.

How Can Adult Social Care Investment Free Up Hospital Beds?

Not all patients necessarily need to be in hospital to receive the care they need. Some patients can instead receive care in the community. Essentially, this means that they’ll leave hospital and go to either their home, a family member’s home, or a dedicated residential setting.

A care worker or nurse will then visit them routinely to give them the care they need. This might involve administering medication, supervising physiotherapy exercises, or simply checking up on them to see how they’re progressing following hospital treatment.

If need be, the care worker may refer the patient back to hospital to receive more intensive care or supervision. But in most cases, the patient can make a full recovery from the comfort of their own home.

Why Are Adult Social Care Issues Causing Hospital Bed Shortages?

Every patient receiving care in the community is a patient who is not taking up a hospital bed. This frees up hospital beds for more critical cases. It also increases the overall capacity of the hospital and its staff. This can make a difference to many of the crises the NHS is currently facing, from the backlog of care to the long ambulance waiting times.

How is the Government Investing in Adult Social Care?

During the 2020 pandemic, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) was committed to freeing up as many hospital beds as possible. They aimed to reduce pressures on the NHS and to ensure that there would be capacity for any COVID patient who needed hospital care. And they did this via a fund that would allow patients to receive up to six weeks of free social care upon leaving hospital.

In September 2022, there were reportedly 13,000 people in hospital who could instead be receiving care in the community. So the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care unveiled a £500m grant for adult social care.

Will This Investment Make a Difference?

Unfortunately, the adult social care sector is itself going through some tough times.

Vacancies in adult social care rose by 52% in 2021-2022. So even if the government pledges to fund adult social care, there may not be the capacity to handle the increased caseload this would bring.

The DHSC has also discussed launching a domestic adult social care recruitment campaign. But given how long it takes to recruit and train specialist social workers to provide care in the community, it’s unlikely that this will make a difference in the short-term.

Investing in adult social care is a vital step to addressing the NHS’s backlog, and the numerous additional problems it brings. Though as is usually the case, things are far more complicated than they initially seem, and we’re unlikely to see any noticeable improvements in the near future.

How Can Hospitals Manage in the Short-Term?

While this issue continues to affect practice, hospitals and healthcare staff continue to work to the best of their ability to deliver efficient and high-quality care.

We have been working with healthcare professionals for over 20 years to find solutions and procedures to help improve efficiency through infection control and air quality monitoring as well as by providing products to help improve turn-around times and patient outcomes.

Get in touch to find out how we help hospitals and healthcare settings control and prevent infection while improving operational efficiency.



Why Are Ambulance Waiting Times Getting Longer?

UK ambulance waiting times are bad, and they show every sign of getting worse.

Some cases have been so severe that they’ve made the news. For example, an 85 year old in Cornwall had to wait a total of 40 hours to get to A&E. This included 14 hours for the ambulance to reach her, and a further 26 hours before she was taken into the hospital. And even then, she did not receive treatment for hours.

This is an extreme case. But still, UK ambulance waiting times are long and getting longer.

What’s the Average UK Ambulance Waiting Time for Critical Calls?

The NHS sets a target response time of 7 minutes for critical calls. Through 2021/22, critical patients waited an average of 8 and a half minutes for a response. This might not sound like much, but it’s almost a fifth longer than patients had to wait in 2018/2019. Also, for critical patients, every second counts. An extra minute’s wait could mean life or death.

What’s the Average UK Ambulance Waiting Time for Non-Critical Calls?

For less urgent cases, waits have doubled over the past few years to an average of 3 hours.

And unfortunately, the situation does not look likely to improve anytime soon. Ambulance workers voted for strike action in early December 2022. Industrial action on the 15 and 20 December affected a quarter of frontline services in England, and nearly all services in Wales and Northern Ireland.

Scotland remained unaffected, as unions suspended industrial action to consider a new pay offer.

While there are rules in place requiring ambulance services to provide emergency care, these strikes  served to make a bad situation even worse.

Why Are Ambulance Waiting Times Getting Longer?

The main reason ambulance waiting times are getting longer is due to the immense backlog the NHS is facing following two years of government lockdowns.

Because of this backlog, ambulance services are facing an increased demand. And though the paramedic workforce has increased, absences related to poor mental health have increased from 5% in March 2019 to 9% in March 2022.

Plus, despite the increased workforce, ambulance crews have less capacity, as ambulances now have to wait longer with patients outside hospitals. According to one Health Foundation report, more than 10% of ambulances had to wait for over an hour outside hospitals in July 2022.

And because the whole service is stretched, even the smallest increase in handover times can result in a larger increase in the average response times.

How is the NHS Responding to this Problem?

The Health Foundation has issued a series of recommendations for addressing the issue:

  • Focus on handover delays. Increase hospitals’ capacity and flow-through with more beds and staff. Sunak’s pledge to invest in social care along with other out-of-hospital services could make a difference here.
  • Further increase the number of paramedics and address the causes of poor mental health in the workforce to reduce sickness absence.
  • Work to reduce the demand. This might be achieved through greater investment in community services, with an emphasis on addressing health conditions as early as possible before they require an ambulance response.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has claimed he plans to “sit down with the NHS” to discuss ambulance waiting times. He’s also announced that the government has put more money into the NHS, and more money into social care. The idea is that funding social care will allow more people to move out of hospitals and back into their own homes.

How Long Before Ambulance Waiting Times Improve?

Unfortunately, it’s likely that UK patients will face lengthy ambulance waiting times for the foreseeable future.

The NHS backlog is not going to get any better anytime soon. So there will be a high demand for services for some time yet.

Also, no matter what plans the government and NHS put into place to address the issue, changes won’t come overnight. And the strike action in December 2022 may serve to delay the implementation of certain improvements.

Get Help to Improve Efficiency and Care Standards in Healthcare

At Cairn Technology, we’ve been working with healthcare providers including NHS hospitals and care homes for over 20 years. We work with you to find solutions to help improve efficiency and standards through effective infection control, air quality monitoring and improvements.

Find out how we can help improve efficiency and care standards in your healthcare setting.