Capturing blood spills during Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

There can be quite a lot of blood when a vein is removed for use in the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft procedure, so what is needed is an absorbent product that soaks up this blood, keeping any surrounding area clean.

What’s more, any product used to absorb the blood needs to be placed against the patient, so it needs to be sterile to reduce the risk of surgical site infection in the open wound.

Why is there so much blood spilled during CABG surgery?

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is commonly used to treat coronary heart disease.

It does this by diverting blood around narrowed or clogged sections of the major arteries to improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart.

Due to the nature of the surgery, there can be a lot of blood spilled during the operation. This is because a CABG involves taking a blood vessel from a part of the body such as an arm, leg or the chest.

This blood vessel is then attached to the coronary artery above and below the narrowed area or blockage.

How Cairn’s Sterile mats can help with a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft blood spill

Our Sterile DryMax Maxi mat is the ideal solution for locking away blood spills during CABG procedures. Each mat absorbs up to 6 litres of water or 2.4 litres of saline and measures 72cm x 37 cm in size.

Being sterile, the mats can be placed next to the patient near the open wound, minimising the risk of surgical site infections. By capturing drips and spills, the mat also reduces the risk of slips from any blood pooling on the floor.

Completely latex-free, this versatile mat can be placed directly beneath the patient and used flat, folded or rolled, depending on the needs of the surgical team.

Sylvia Bristow, Theatre Sister in Cardiothoracic Theatres at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield has found them very useful.

“We use the DryMax Sterile mat when taking a vein from the patient’s leg for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, as this procedure can be very bloody”, says Sylvia. “Not only does the DryMax Sterile mat absorb the blood, it also helps to keep the bandage clean.”

Is the Sterile DryMax Maxi mat right for you?

Are you having issues capturing blood spills during Coronary Artery Bypass Graft procedures? Why not request some free samples? Just call Cairn Technology on 0333 015 4354 or email

How Long are A&E Waiting Times in the UK – Where Are We Now?

A few years ago, we explored the NHS backlog, and its underlying causes. We also assessed the NHS targets for clearing these backlogs, and discussed the impacts they were having on ambulance waiting times.

In this post we’ll take a closer look at the current state of A&E waiting times in the UK, and how they compare to pre-pandemic levels.

All of the figures and trends we refer to in this post come from this Office for National Statistics report.

A&E Waiting Times Vary Across the UK

Across the UK home countries, you will find slightly different policies on how A&E wait time data is collected. It’s possible to make broad comparisons between A&E wait times between England, Scotland, and Wales. However, Northern Ireland’s healthcare data collection policy differs so much as to make comparisons more difficult.

But that said, we can compare data on the overall number of A&E attendances across all four countries.

NHS Targets for A&E Waiting Times

Every country in the UK aims for a four hour standard for A&E visits. The general aim is that at least 95% of attendances will be admitted, transferred, or discharged within four hours of arriving at A&E.

Following the pandemic, the NHS was under considerable pressure as services struggled to deal with patient backlogs. So, in December 2022, NHS England implemented a new temporary standard, whereby they would aim to see at least 76% of A&E attendances within four hours. NHS England returned to the 95% four hour standard in March 2024.

What is the 12 Hour Waiting Time Standard?

In addition to this four hour standard, Wales and Northern Ireland have a 12 hour standard. The aim here is that no patient should have to wait longer than 12 hours in any type of A&E department.

Average A&E Waiting Times Are Getting Longer

Across the UK, between 2013 and 2023, there has been an overall rise in the monthly percentage of A&E attendances waiting longer than four hours. Patients in England have seen the biggest rise in A&E waiting times. In January 2013, 8.1% of attendances waited longer than four hours. By September 2023, this figure had risen to 42.4%.

December 2022 saw a peak in A&E waiting times across England, Scotland, and Wales. In this one month, 50.4% of English patients, 41.7% of Scottish patients, and 45.8% of Welsh patients had to wait longer than four hours to be seen.

A&E wait times dropped significantly during the early months of the pandemic. Lockdown restrictions meant that fewer people overall attended A&E departments. While this contributed to a drop in A&E wait times, it would later result in a huge backlog of care. This is partially why wait times rose significantly in the years following the pandemic.

Why Are A&E Wait Times Getting Longer?

Beyond the post-pandemic backlog of care, there are other explanations for the rise in A&E wait times across all four UK countries.

These include:

  • Population Changes – As populations have grown, so too have the proportion of A&E attendances per 1,000 population. A growing population may also be associated with a growth in rates of disability, or long-term illnesses, that might necessitate an A&E visit.
  • Aging Populations – A higher proportion of elderly people in a population means a higher proportion of the age-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Ease of Access – In some parts of the country, people may struggle to access certain healthcare services. For example, the lack of healthcare provisions in rural areas might increase A&E attendance rates in nearby towns and cities.
  • Policy Changes – We have already explored how lockdown policies might have influenced A&E wait times. In addition to this, governments across the UK have imposed other policies that may have impacted A&E wait times, such as Scotland’s efforts to discourage unplanned attendances.

How to Find A&E Waiting Times Near Me

If you want to find out how long you might have to wait to get seen at healthcare providers in your area, use this NHS Tracker resource on the BBC’s website.

Enter your postcode and it will give you an idea of:

  • Ambulance waiting times
  • A&E waiting times
  • Treatment waiting times

Support For NHS Healthcare Providers

At Cairn Technology, we specialise in improving quality and efficiency in healthcare settings.

While we cannot help you address long waiting lists in your A&E department, we can help you to improve staff safety and well-being while reducing turnaround times between certain procedures.

We can also help you improve the waiting rooms across your healthcare premises. From air purifiers to advanced cleaning solutions, we offer a range of products and services that will help you make your waiting room safer, cleaner and more welcoming for both staff and patients.

For a friendly chat about how we can help you, get in touch to talk to one of our experts today.

UK Plastic surgery events 2024

UK plastic surgery events are coming in quick succession this Autumn/Winter season, with BAAPS, BSFPS and BAPRAS all holding major meetings. To find out more read on.

Or, if you are not able to attend but would like to investigate the best surgical instruments for plastic and aesthetic surgery, click here for details of Stille’s surgical instruments.

UK Plastic Surgery Events

BAAPS 2024 – The Future of Aesthetics: An Interplay between Science & Art
26 & 27 September 2024
I.E.T London, Savoy Place

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons is committed to promoting excellence in aesthetic plastic surgery.

Their Annual Scientific Meeting will cover a wide range of topics including Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery, Buttock & Lower Limb Aesthetic Surgery, Periorbital Aesthetic Surgery, Breast Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery and Otoplasty.

For more information on this event click here.


BSFPS – British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery – Annual Meeting 2024
18 October 2024
The Albert Hall Conference Centre, Nottingham

The BSFPS or British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery was created to encourage and support training in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery to surgeons in either the NHS or private sector.

The guest speaker at the Annual Meeting will be Dr Yves Saban, renowned in European and International facial plastics as an educator and innovator and known for his propagation of Preservation Rhinoplasty.

Speakers from associated specialities will also be giving talks on subjects such as Oculoplastic, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery. Topics covered will include Cleft Nose, Facial Reconstruction, Facial Reanimation and Blepharoplasty.

For more information click here.


BAPRAS International Congress 2024
4- 6 December 2024
International Convention Centre Wales, Newport

This year’s event sees BAPRAS collaborating with plastic surgery associations and societies from across the world with talks delivered by international experts on topics such as skin cancer, facial palsy, burns and diabetic foot surgery.

New additions to the programme include a Military Plastic Surgery session and a session focused on JPRAS.

For more information click here.

For more updates on upcoming UK plastic surgery events click here to follow our Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn accounts.


Nitrous Oxide in the NHS – Risks, Plans, and Targets

For years, the NHS made extensive use of nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic gas. Yet there are concerns that prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide could pose certain health risks. Practitioners are also becoming increasingly aware of the possible environmental impact of using anaesthetic gases.

How is Nitrous Oxide Used in Healthcare

Nitrous oxide is an odourless and colourless gas. In sub-anaesthetic concentrations it acts as a powerful analgesic. It is most commonly used in a 50:50 mix with oxygen. This mixture is otherwise known as “gas and air”, or Entonox.

Nitrous Oxide Health Risks

Short-term exposure to Entonox can cause dizziness, fatigue, and nausea. Long-term exposure can affect the body’s capacity to absorb vitamin B12. This can damage the body’s nervous system and red blood cells, which can lead to a number of neurological conditions.

Prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide may also increase the risk of developing certain liver and kidney diseases.

The exposure risks for patients are low, as patients inhale the gas through a demand valve. However, when they breathe out, they can release some of the nitrous oxide back into the room. Over time, this can create an exposure risk for medical personnel. The risk will be greater if there are ever any gas leaks, or if staff routinely administer the gas in a poorly ventilated area.

This is why it’s essential to monitor the levels of nitrous oxide in hospitals. Our workplace exposure monitoring servicecan help you address your staff’s exposure to nitrous oxide and other potentially harmful substances.

Nitrous Oxide Environmental Risks – And The Solution

In a 2022 report, the NHS discussed the environmental impact of using certain anaesthetic gases. They revealed that emissions from one bottle can produce the same amount of carbon as burning 440kg of coal.

The NHS’s long-term plan is to reduce the carbon footprint associated with anaesthetic gases by 40%. Part of this strategy involves switching to lower carbon alternatives, such as sevoflurane.

The NHS is also exploring techniques for capturing, destroying, or reusing anaesthetic gases. They estimate that capturing and destroying nitrous oxide could cut over 33% of their total anaesthetic emissions.

There’s also a focus on cutting down on nitrous oxide wastage. Up to 30% of nitrous oxide may remain in cannisters after use. This residual gas can carry an environmental risk if it leaks, and recycling or reusing it can prove difficult.

We Can Help You Address The Risks of Nitrous Oxide in Your Hospital

Nitrous oxide leaks in your hospital contribute to your overall carbon footprint, and they may also present long-term workplace exposure risks for your personnel.

Keeping on top of equipment maintenance can help prevent leaks. It’s also important to ensure that any area of your hospital where nitrous oxide or other anaesthetic gases are administered is as well-ventilated as possible.

Yet if you want to address the exposure risks in your hospital, first you will need to understand the risks. This is where we can help. Our workplace exposure monitoring service can help you address your staff’s exposure to nitrous oxide and other potentially harmful substances.

We can provide a comprehensive report including discussions and recommendations based upon our findings. In this way, we can help you meet your COSHH obligations wherever your staff are exposed to hazardous substances in your hospital.

For information on our workplace exposure monitoring services, give us a call on 0845 226 0185 email us at

Cairn Technology celebrates 25 years supporting UK hospitals

Cairn Technology is celebrating its 25th anniversary supplying services and products to NHS Trusts and private hospitals.

Established in 1999 by two chemistry PhD graduates, Dr. Peter Binns and Dr. Mark Fields, the business initially acted as an environmental consultancy specialising in the continuous monitoring of emissions to atmosphere.

However, it wasn’t long before the directors realised that this emissions monitoring technique was ideal for use within the hospital sector.

Working in partnership with the local NHS Trust, they developed a range of workplace monitoring solutions specially tailored to hospital theatres, anaesthetic rooms, endoscope cleaning rooms and other relevant areas.

These services help hospitals to ensure that they comply with important inspection and maintenance requirements under COSHH, (HTM) 03-01 and other standards.

By working in conjunction with another NHS Trust in 2000, they also developed a chemical spill station that is now used by many hospitals across the UK. Biohazard, cytotoxic and laboratory spill kits have also been added to the range, as well as chemical spill training for hospital staff.

In 2003, the company also moved into fluid management for hospital theatres with the developments of its T-Mat. This superabsorbent floor mat absorbs up to 8.5 litres of fluid and turns it to gel to allow for quick and easy, non-drip disposal in clinical waste.

As time passed, Cairn Technology continued to expand its mat range to include non-slip, hybrid and sterile mats, as well as infection control products, Stille handcrafted surgical instruments and Blueair HealthProtectTM air purifiers.

Sharon Evans, Product Sales and Marketing Manager at Cairn Technology says: “The company has always remained true to its watchwords of ‘Partnership, Innovation and Excellence’. It is very important to us to develop strong relationships with our customers, many of whom have invested in our products and services for over two decades.”

“Going forward, we recognise that a vital part of how we support our customers is by helping them to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve Net Zero.

“Some of our products already help to address this, such as our absorbent mats that help minimise waste and include FSC-certified sourced material, and our Stille surgical instruments that can be reused for 30 years plus.

“In addition, we are developing a company-wide Carbon Reduction Plan that demonstrates our wider commitment to supporting a healthy environment, with the aim of becoming a carbon negative company by 2025”.


Are inco pads increasing operating theatre costs and waste?

Hospitals that are concerned about operating theatre costs sometimes use inco pads or incontinence pads to absorb spills on operating theatre floors.

These pads do not offer a particularly high level of absorbency and are prone to dripping when lifted for disposal.

However, they are sometimes seen as a much more cost-effective alternative to absorbent mats that are specifically designed for this purpose.

So, we thought that we would take a look at our superabsorbent T-Mat, to see how it compares like for like with a standard inco pad that is currently on the market.


Busting the myth of cheaper inco pads

We took one of our T-Mats, which measures 72cm x 36cm and absorbs up to 8.5 litres of fluid and compared it with an inco pad of a similar size – 75cm x 57cm -which absorbs 0.67 litres of fluid.

In terms of per-mat cost, the inco pad is the clear winner, with a single T-Mat costing six times more than a single inco pad.

However, you would need to use around 13 inco pads to get a similar level of fluid collection as a single T-Mat.

This means that you would have to spend more than twice the amount on inco pads as you would on T-Mats to get the same amount of fluid absorbency on your operating theatre floor.


Reducing theatre consumable waste

The NHS Carbon Footprint Plus includes a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from supplier products, as outlined in Scope 3 of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

So as the NHS moves towards Net Zero, the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from the manufacturing, shipping and disposal of theatre consumables becomes more pressing.

Consuming 13 times as many absorbent pads by choosing inco pads over a superabsorbent mat such as the T-Mat will clearly lead to a much larger carbon footprint, which now goes against the ethos and objectives of NHS environmental policy.


Other drawbacks of inco pad use

As well as costing you more overall, the use of inco pads in hospital operating theatres can also create particular risks.

Unlike our superabsorbent T-Mat, they are not able to lock in fluid and turn it to gel for easy non-drip disposal.

A dripping inco pad being lifted up for disposal in clinical waste not only risks cross-contamination but also creates slip hazards in the operating theatre.

What’s more, there is greater likelihood of drips and pools of fluid on the theatre floor after the operation, slowing down theatre turnaround time whilst the floor is being mopped and dried.


Trial it for yourself to see a reduction in operating theatre costs

If you are currently using inco pads in your operating theatres and would like to trial the T-Mats to see how they compare, you can get some free samples and see the results for yourself.

Just email the product sales team at Cairn Technology at or call us on 0333 015 4345.

For other ways that we can help reduce your operating theatre costs with reusable surgical instruments click here.

Hospital Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention and Management Policy: The role of effective fluid management

Having an effective Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention and Management Policy is important for any hospital.

Every year, over 2000 of these incidents are reported nationally by the NHS to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

This is perhaps not surprising given that slips, trips and falls are the most common cause of serious injuries in the UK workplace.

The most recent Health and Safety at Work report revealed that in 2022-23, 32% of reported cases of non-fatal workplace injuries were made up of slips, trips and falls on the same level, which is the equivalent of 179,520 people.(1)

What’s more, the HSE estimates that 95% of all slips, trips and falls on the same level at work are serious incidents that result in broken bones.(2)

The Impact of Healthcare Worker Injuries

When a member of the operating theatre team or other hospital staff are seriously injured from a slip, trip or fall, there can be a number of negative consequences:

  • The employee can be left with injuries that leave them unable to do their job for a period of time or even permanently,
  • They may have to claim compensation for the impact that their injury has had on them,
  • As an important member of staff, the hospital will lose their skills and expertise and have to try and find a temporary or permanent replacement,
  • Short-staffing problems can then lead to additional stress on other team members and hamper department efficiency,
  • If the injury is caused in theatres, the patient’s operation may have to be cancelled and rearranged, negatively impacting on patient care and increasing theatre costs.

Creating a safe working environment

The solution is to create a safe workplace by identifying all potential slip, trip and fall hazards, then assessing and managing those risks.

By creating an effective Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention and Management Policy that encompasses pro-active management, good housekeeping and relevant staff training, hospitals can see a significant reduction in these kinds of accidents.

Not only is this a healthy policy to adopt for hospital staff, NHS Trusts and private hospitals are also required by the Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1992 to have suitable floors that are in good condition and free from obstructions.

In busy operating theatres this can be a particular challenge, as there tends to be quite a lot of people moving about in a restricted area where pools of irrigation and bodily fluids have spilled on the floor.

However, there are ways that you can avoid slips from spills and minimise the risk of trips and falls caused by the products designed to remove them.

 6 tips to avoid slips, trips and falls in the operating theatre

  1. Avoid suction devices that move about the room

Some fluid management solutions remove spills from the theatre floor by moving over spills and sucking them up. Whilst that can be fine if they remain in the same place, if they get moved around the theatre floor, team members may not be looking out for them, so some nasty trips and falls can happen.

  1. Avoid suction devices with tubes and cables

Some spill management solutions for operating theatres come with lots of tubes and cables that run across the operating theatre floor. Even if taped down, these can come loose and risk tripping up theatre staff, so if possible try to find a solution that does not involve these sort of hazards.

  1. Choose a low-profile absorbent floor mat

An absorbent floor mat, such as the DryMax XL has a low profile, minimising the risk of trips, whilst still providing up to 2 litres of fluid absorption. Particularly suitable for scrub rooms, it provides a good level of absorbency to capture any spills while staff are scrubbing up. This in turn reduces the risk of slips when working in the scrub room area. Click here to find out more.

  1. Choose an anti-skid mat

Make sure that any walkable absorbent mats you use in your scrub rooms and operating theatres are anti-skid and non-slip.

For example the DryMax XL floor mat and the DryMax Combimat both have blue-backed sections that are anti-skid when placed on a dry surface.

The DryMax Combimat is specially designed to absorb large volumes of fluid in one section: up to 13 litres of water or 5 litres of saline. This section can be folded over the surgeon’s feet in wet procedures and turns all fluid to gel to ensure their feet stay dry.

At the same time, the low-profile anti-skid section can be walked on or have a stool placed on it, without any risk of slipping. To find out more about the DryMax Combimat, click here.

  1. Choose a superabsorbent mat

If you are involved with wet procedures that involve a lot of fluid spills, such as knee arthroscopies, then choose a superabsorbent mat that rapidly turns fluid to gel to lock it in.

Not only will this reduce the risk of slips in the operating theatre, it will also mean there will be hardly any mopping to do post-procedure, ensuring quicker turnaround time too. What’s more, there will be less risk of drips and cross-infection when transferring the mats to clinical waste.

As a superabsorbent mat, such as the T-Mat, can absorb up to 8.5 litres of water, this does mean that the mat will bulk up, so you would need to place it away from where the surgeon is standing. However, even if placed adjacent to the spill, the T-Mat will suck up the puddle through capillary action, so placement of the mat can be flexible. To find out more about the T-Mat click here.

  1. Remember Good Housekeeping

If spills do occur that cannot be absorbed or sucked up from the operating theatre floor or scrub room, ensure that they are mopped and dried carefully to avoid the risk of slips and falls. Tidy away any trip hazards and be sure to follow your Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention and Management Policy at all times.

Interested in free mat samples?

If you would like to try any of the absorbent floor mats mentioned above just call 0333 015 4345 or email us at and we will happily send some samples out for your hospital to trial.


(1) Health and safety statistics 2022 (
(2) Why does it matter – Slips and trips – HSE

Top 4 Considerations When Choosing an Absorbent Mat for Your Hospital

Absorbent mats are vital for effective fluid management in hospitals. They can absorb and contain significant quantities of fluids during procedures, which can help prevent slips, trips, and falls. Plus, after procedures you can simply dispose of the mat in the appropriate waste stream. This can help prevent cross infection while making cleaning much easier, so you can significantly reduce your turnaround time between procedures.

But not all absorbent mats are quite the same. It’s important that you pick one that’s suitable for your needs. In this post, we’ll explore four key considerations for choosing the right absorbent mats for your hospital.

If you’d like to discuss your fluid management needs, our friendly experts are always on hand to help. Give us a call on 0333 015 4345 or email

What Level of Absorbency Do You Need?

Different mats offer different levels of absorbency. The level of absorbency you need will largely depend on the sort of procedures you’ll be carrying out. A procedure such as a  shoulder arthroscopy for example, will produce a lot of fluid, so you’ll need a mat with a high level of absorbency.

The level of absorbency you’ll need will also depend on where you intend to place the mat. If you want a mat to place on the operating theatre floor during wet procedures, it will need to be as absorbent as possible. But if you want to use a mat on a scrub room floor, then the level of absorbency will not need to be as high.

The Nature of the Procedure

Beyond your fluid management needs, think about your practical requirements during a procedure. For instance, do you just need a mat to capture fluids or will you also need to walk on it, or place a stool on it?

Or does the mat need to be placed next to the patient and therefore be sterile? Some absorbent mats are specifically designed for use in sterile environments.

Anti-Skid Absorbent Mats

If you’ll need to walk on the mat, or place a stool on it, then you’ll need your mat to be reliably anti-skid.

Look for mats with effective anti-skid backing. You could also consider a combination mat, which combines an anti-skid walkable section with a highly absorbent section, making it perfect for use in general and orthopaedic theatres. It’s a simple, single solution that gives you the best of both worlds.

How Disposable Medical Equipment Fit Into Your Environmental Policy?

Your hospital’s environmental policy might set strict guidelines about the use of disposable medical equipment, and the amount of waste you produce. The good news is that absorbent mats can play an active role in helping your hospital reduce its carbon footprint.

Go for a highly absorbent mat, for instance, and you can absorb up to 8.5 litres of water and 3.5 litres of saline with a single mat.

Or choose an absorbent mat in roll form and you can measure and cut accordingly, so that you only ever use as much or as little of the mat as you need.

We Can Help You Choose The Right Absorbent Mat For Your Needs

At Cairn Technology, we stock a full range of state-of-the-art absorbent mats for efficient and effective fluid management in hospitals.

If you’re not sure which mat is right for you, we’ll be happy to help. Get in touch, tell us about your fluid management requirements, and we can advise you on the best solution for your hospital.

Give us a call on 0333 015 4345 or email

The NHS Carbon Footprint Plus: 3 Ways absorbent mats can help

The NHS Carbon Footprint Plus includes a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from supplier products, as outlined in Scope 3 of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

According to NHS England’s 2022 report Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service, one of the greatest areas of opportunity for a reduction in carbon emissions is through medical device suppliers.

So how can absorbent floor mats from Cairn Technology help the NHS in this area?

  1. Reduced absorbent mat waste through absorbency

Medical equipment accounts for 10% of the NHS Carbon Footprint Plus (1). So it stands to reason that any product that results in less waste than other market alternatives can help drive down this percentage.

As our T-Mat superabsorbent floor mat absorbs between 4 and 13 times as much fluid as the incontinence sheets on the market, theatre staff have to dispose of far fewer mats into clinical waste at the end of each procedure.

You can find out more about our T-Mats here:

To make an enquiry please click here:

  1. Reduced absorbent mat waste through size

Another issue that theatre staff also face with absorbent floor mats is that they invariably have to use mats of a specific size.

With our DryMax XL absorbent mat for scrub rooms and theatre floors, staff can cut it to the size that they require. This is the case whether they buy boxes of the individual mats or the 50m roll with dispenser.

By cutting off only the size of mat required every time, theatres can see a significant reduction in the amount of mat waste throughout the year.

You can find out more about our DryMax XL mats here:

Or for the DryMax XL on a Roll click here:

Or to make an enquiry, please click here:

  1. An absorbent mat supplier committed to supporting NHS Net Zero targets

Cairn Technology is committed to helping the NHS meet or exceed its commitment on net zero emissions before the end of the decade.

With the biggest source of carbon emissions from medical equipment being in acute care, our absorbent mat products can have a real impact in this area.

Not only can our mats help to reduce waste within hospitals, as a supplier we are also looking to reduce our own carbon footprint in terms of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Scope, 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

From minimising the amount of paper that we use in the office, to recycling our packaging where possible and encouraging the use of electric and hybrid vehicles, we are already on the path to a greener business model in support of our NHS.

 The NHS Carbon Footprint Plus

For more information on how our absorbent mats, surgical instruments and other products and services can help support the NHS Carbon Footprint Plus keep an eye on our blog.



A Net Zero NHS: Plans for a Sustainable Tomorrow

The NHS, like many large organisations, is taking a proactive approach to reducing its carbon footprint by achieving Net Zero.

Net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases emitted and the amount removed from the atmosphere.

Achieving net zero emissions is a critical step in mitigating the impact of climate change. The NHS, as one of the largest employers in the world, has a substantial carbon footprint primarily due to energy consumption, transportation, and waste generation.

The Health and Care Act 2022 requires commissioners and providers of NHS services to specifically address the UK Net Zero emissions target.

In its report, Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service, the NHS has set out two clear targets:

  • Achieve a net zero NHS by 2040 for emissions directly controlled by the NHS.
  • Achieve a net zero NHS by 2045 for emissions that the NHS can influence.

How will the NHS achieve Net Zero?

To achieve this, it will look at reducing emissions from the 3 scopes covered by The Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which are:

  • Scope 1 – direct emissions from sources that are directly owned and controlled by the NHS, e.g. anaesthetics, NHS fleet and leased vehicles, etc.
  • Scope 2 – indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy, mostly electricity.
  • Scope 3 – all other indirect emissions that occur in producing and transporting goods and services, including construction, medical devices, staff commuting, etc.

In addition, as part of the NHS Carbon Footprint Plus, they will aim to reduce emissions from patient and visitor travel to and from NHS services, and medicines used at home.

Key Components of the NHS Net Zero Plans

  1. Optimising Estates: The NHS estate and its supporting facilities services comprises 15% of the organisation’s total carbon emissions profile(1). As a result, it will look at at a number of interventions to reduce emissions. These will include upgrading existing buildings and optimising building usage, as well as generating renewable energy on-site and building 40 new NHS Net Zero Carbon hospitals.
  2. Travel and Transport: Approximately 3.5% (9.5 billion miles) of all road travel in England relates to patients, visitors, staff and suppliers to the NHS, contributing around 14% of the organisation’s total emissions. To address this, it will look to transitioning its fleet to zero-emission vehicles. Other measures include reducing unnecessary journeys through preventative medicine and digital care, and enabling healthier, less polluting types of travel such as cycling and walking.
  3. Supply Chain: While the NHS does not control emissions directly from its many suppliers, it can use its considerable purchasing power to influence change. From reducing the use of single-use items in hospitals, to sourcing more local food suppliers, and transforming anaesthetic practice, the NHS will use an array of methods to optimise its carbon footprint. It will also push all suppliers to decarbonise their own processes and activities.

The Net Zero Emissions Journey

The NHS’s net zero plans underscore its dedication to addressing the global climate crisis and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come. By focusing on energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, responsible procurement, waste reduction, and carbon offsetting, the NHS will be able to make significant reductions in emissions.

However, the nature of its commitment means that its Net Zero journey will take it far beyond its medium-term targets, with innovation in products and services continuing to enable improvements on an open-ended basis.

How we can help

We are already helping NHS hospitals to reduce their carbon footprint in a number of ways:

  1. By supplying reusable surgical instruments with a much lower cardon footprint than disposables – click here for more information
  2. By supplying super-absorbent mats that reduce the amount of waste generated through producing the mats and disposing of them compared to inco pads and less absorbent mats – click here for more information
  3. By offering workplace exposure monitoring services that help to identify anaesthetic leaks and thus mitigate losses that escape to atmosphere – click here for more information

If you would like to talk to the Cairn Technology team about how we can help your hospital with its Net Zero plans, please call us on 0333 015 4345 or click here to contact us via web form and we will be happy to help.


(1) All statistics in this article are drawn from