Our Blog

Hear the latest from Cairn Technology and get all the latest news about workplace exposure limits, air quality and best practice processes for hospitals in infection prevention and control.

Ruth Palfreyman and Olivia Athersych boost mat sales

Ruth Palfreyman and Olivia Athersych have worked hard to enhance…
How to reduce the carbon footprint of surgical instruments

Helping you towards Net Zero with medical devices

Are you aiming to reach Net Zero with the medical devices that…
Hupfer instrument baskets

4 Reasons to Choose Hupfer Instrument Baskets

If you are looking for instrument baskets for your sterile services…

Cairn sees record year for Stille surgical instruments

Sales of Stille surgical instruments rocketed for Cairn Technology…
Carbon Reduction Plan in support of NHS Net Zero

Cairn’s Carbon Reduction Plan shows sharp fall in emissions

Medical product and service supplier to the NHS and private hospitals,…

Diisocyanates in the Healthcare Setting

As healthcare settings are moving away from plaster of Paris…
Cairn raises money for the Children's Heart Surgery Fund

Cairn Technology supports CHSF with Halloween Fundraiser

Cairn Technology’s staff got creative in the kitchen this October…
Cardiothoracic instruments for heart and lung surgery

4 Reasons to Invest in Stille Cardiothoracic Instruments

Cardiothoracic instruments need to be precise, durable and easy…
Advances in plastic surgery and the value of good quality reusable surgical instruments.

Advances in Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has undergone remarkable transformations in recent…
Recyclable medical technology

Recyclable MedTech for Supply Chain Decarbonisation

Recyclable MedTech presents an important opportunity to tackle…

NHS Backlog – Where Are We Now?

A couple of years ago, we analysed the NHS backlog, including…
BAPRAS Congress 2024

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons! Check out BAPRAS 2024

Plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons and nurses should…
Sterile DryMax Maxi mat absorbs blood spills in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery

Capturing blood spills during Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

There can be quite a lot of blood when a vein is removed for…

How Long are A&E Waiting Times in the UK – Where Are We Now?

A few years ago, we explored the NHS backlog, and its underlying…
UK Plastic Surgery Events 2024

UK Plastic surgery events 2024

UK plastic surgery events are coming in quick succession this…

Nitrous Oxide in the NHS – Risks, Plans, and Targets

For years, the NHS made extensive use of nitrous oxide as an…
Cairn Technology's directors celebrate 25 years as a supplier to the NHS and private hospitals.

Cairn Technology celebrates 25 years supporting UK hospitals

Cairn Technology is celebrating its 25th anniversary supplying…
Sterile services departments - quality surgical instruments

Supporting Sterile Services Departments with quality instruments

The role of Sterile Service Departments (SSDs) is critical to…
Are inco pads increasing your operating theatre costs, waste and carbon footprint?

Are inco pads increasing operating theatre costs and waste?

Hospitals that are concerned about operating theatre costs sometimes…
Surgical instrument care: cleaning, sterilising and inspecting.

Should You Avoid Chrome-Plated Surgical Instruments?

Chrome-plated surgical instruments have long been a popular choice…
Hospital slips trips and falls prevention and management policy

Hospital Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention and Management Policy: The role of effective fluid management

Having an effective Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention and Management…

Top 4 Considerations When Choosing an Absorbent Mat for Your Hospital

Absorbent mats are vital for effective fluid management in hospitals.…
How to reduce the carbon footprint of surgical instruments

5 ways to reduce the carbon footprint of surgical instruments

Minimising the carbon footprint of surgical instruments is just…
The NHs Carbon Footprint - ways absorbent mats can help

The NHS Carbon Footprint Plus: 3 Ways absorbent mats can help

The NHS Carbon Footprint Plus includes a commitment to reduce…

Greenwashing in Healthcare – How to Take Effective Action

In recent years, growing numbers of healthcare providers have…
Surgical instrument care: cleaning, sterilising and inspecting.

Surgical Instrument Care: Ensuring Precision and Longevity

Surgical instruments are indispensable tools in the realm of…
Net Zero NHS

A Net Zero NHS: Plans for a Sustainable Tomorrow

The NHS, like many large organisations, is taking a proactive…

What To Do After Being Exposed to Infected Bodily Fluid

We recently published a guide to safely and effectively cleaning…

What is a Clean Air Zone: Which Hospitals Are In Clean Air Zones?

Local authorities are introducing clean air zones in towns cities…

Managing Airborne Bacteria and Diseases in Hospitals

During the recent pandemic, one report found that over 40,000…

DAS 2024 – Decontamination and Sterilisation Conference

Is DAS 2024 already in your calendar? If you are a decontamination…
Orthopaedic surgery innovations

Orthopaedic Surgery Innovations

Orthopaedic surgery has seen remarkable advancements in recent…

Bodily Fluid Clean Up Procedure

In all healthcare settings, bodily fluids are a major vector…
Bed blocking investigated. Delayed discharge causes, consequences and solutions for improved patient flow.

How bad is bed blocking in the NHS?

Bed blocking, or delayed discharge, continues to pose significant…
Winter bugs and pressure on the NHS

Navigating the Winter Wave: Understanding and Coping with NHS Winter Bugs

As winter descends upon us, so does the inevitable surge in seasonal…
Hospital indoor air quality

Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings – A Guide to BS 40102-1:2023

BS 40102-1:2023 – Health and Wellbeing and Indoor Environmental…
Women in Surgery in England

Women in Surgery in England – looking back, moving forward

The number of women in surgery in England is growing, but there…

UK NHS Waiting List Targets – Where Are We?

Following the global pandemic, a number of enforced government…
Children's heart Surgery Fund

Cairn supports amazing Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

Here at Cairn Technology, we are delighted to have raised £2,300…

Green Theatre Checklist Explained – How to Make Your Theatre More Environmentally Friendly

The Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist was developed by…
Plastic surgery events - facial, hand, oral, rhinoplasty, reconstructive

Plastic Surgery events in the UK in 2023

If you are involved in plastic or reconstructive surgery, then…
Healthcare Estates Conference 2023 - Cairn Technology - surgical instruments

Healthcare Estates Conference 2023 – Come see us there!

The Healthcare Estates Conference 2023 is being held at Manchester…
UK Plastic Surgery Events 2024

6 Must-See UK Medical Events for Autumn/Winter 2023

Summer might be almost over, but there are still plenty of insightful…

What is Clinical Waste and How To Dispose of it Safely?

In this post we’ll list some examples of clinical waste before…

Acetic Acid Medical Uses, Hazards and Exposure Limits

Acetic acid is a clear and colourless organic liquid with a strong…

Veterinary Clinic Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols

Cleaning protocols and procedures are a vital part of effective…

Surgical Sutures and Stitch Types: A Guide

Surgical sutures and stitches are used to close wounds to the…

Decontamination of Endoscopes and Reusable Medical Devices

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the specific decontamination…

Pollution & Air Quality A-Z Glossary

Air quality consultants tend to use a lot of specialist terminology…

What Are Atmospheric Pollutants and Its Impact on Health

An atmospheric pollutant is an airborne particle or chemical…

Operating Theatre Must-Have Equipment Checklist

Three things are vital to delivering an efficient operating theatre: …

Future Surgery Show, November 2023 – What To Expect

The 2023 Future Surgery Show takes place 14 – 15 November 2023…

Different Types of Surgical Forceps

We recently put together a guide to the different types of surgical…

How To Manage an Outbreak of C. difficile

Clostridium Difficile Infections (CDIs) are among the most common…

Infection Control in Care Homes

  Download a poster version to display in your care…

Infection Control Legislation For Care Homes

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how this legislation…

Dental Decontamination & Infection Control Checklist

Just like any other healthcare setting, dental surgeries need…

Environmental Decontamination: Stages & When to Implement

In a healthcare setting, “environmental decontamination”…

How Does Infection Spread in a Hospital?

In this post we’ll discuss how infections spread in hospitals…

2023 Vet Shortage in the UK: Why and What Now?

All healthcare services in the UK are currently facing a number…

How To Manage an Outbreak of Infection in a Care Home

Any outbreak of infection in a care home must be considered a…

The Most Common Hospital Acquired Infections

In this post we’ll discuss some of the most common hospital…

What is Infection Control in Care Homes?

When it comes to infection, elderly people and other care home…

Staffing Issues & Safe Staffing Levels in Operating Theatres

The healthcare sector is currently facing severe staffing shortages.…

Entonox Monitoring in Maternity Departments

Entonox – also referred to as N20, or “gas and air” - is…

Three Levels of Decontamination For Infection Control

In this post we’ll explore each of these levels of decontamination…

How Many Dentists are Training and Qualifying in the UK?

The UK is facing a shortage of dentists. According to one report,…

How Do You Sterilise and Clean Surgical Instruments?

Surgical instruments are used exclusively in sterile spaces,…

Communicable Diseases & Examples of How to Prevent Spread

In this post we’ll discuss some of the most common communicable…

What Is The Purpose of Exposure Monitoring via Air Sampling?

The air in hospitals and healthcare settings can contain numerous…

Why is Air Quality Monitoring Important?

Everyone knows that breathing hazardous substances or polluted…

Chemical Hazards in Hospitals – Examples and Control

Hazardous chemicals are common in healthcare settings. Short-…

Why Is There a Shortage of Healthcare Workers in the UK?

The NHS is facing chronic staff shortages. In this post we’ll…

What is Bioburden? And How to Control It

What is Bioburden? Bioburden refers to the number of bacteria…

Infection Control Procedures in Care Homes

Certain types of viral and bacterial infection are common in…

Tips For New Operating Theatre Nurses

If you’re a new operating theatre nurse – or you’re thinking…

Immunocompromised vs Immunosuppressed – Is There a Difference?

What’s the difference in meaning between immunocompromised…

Air Monitoring Equipment: What Instruments & Equipment is Used?

Air quality consultants will use different air monitoring equipment…

What is NO2 and How Does it Impact Health?

NO2 is nitrous dioxide. It’s a chemical compound that’s mainly…

What is the Bioburden Limit for Medical Devices?

When we talk about bioburden, we’re talking about the number…

VOCs in Hospitals – Causes, Effects and Solutions

VOC stands for volatile organic compounds. This is a group of…

Examples of Continuity of Care in GP Surgeries

If you manage or work in a GP surgery, continuity of care can…

Cairn Technology at ASGBI Congress 2023 – The Changing Face of Surgery

The Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI)…

Occupational Health Hazards for Nurses and How to Prevent Them

Hospitals and healthcare settings can be hazardous environments…

Doctors Surgery Waiting Room Improvement Ideas

A good doctor’s surgery waiting room should be warm and welcoming.…

What is an Operating Department Practitioner and What Do They Do?

If you’re considering a new career in healthcare, or even a…

Ways to Prevent Infection During Chemotherapy Treatments

Chemotherapy can lower a patient’s white blood cell count.…

The Link Between Adult Social Care and Hospital Discharges

The NHS is currently facing a significant backlog that shows…

Operating Theatre Staff Roles and Responsibilities

It takes a lot of people to run a successful operating theatre.…

Ambulance Cleaning and Decontamination Checklist

Regularly and thoroughly cleaning and decontaminating ambulances…

Why Are Ambulance Waiting Times Getting Longer?

UK ambulance waiting times are bad, and they show every sign…

Is Pollution Worse in Winter? How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

A recent report found that over 2,000 UK health centres are located…

The Patient Safety and Infection Prevention Show 2023

The Patient Safety and Infection Prevention Show will run at…

What’s The Difference Between Electrosurgery and Electrocautery?

Electrosurgery and electrocautery seem like broadly similar processes,…

Key Responsibilities for Operating Theatre Managers

Operating theatre managers are responsible for ensuring the successful…

What is PM10 in Air Quality?

Particulate matter (PM) is a class of air pollution covering…

Flu Strains in 2022 – How Many and Which Are Most Common?

Global influenza levels have been low since 2020, but the UK…

Common Infections in Care Homes & Effects on Bed Shortage

Many types of viral and bacterial infection are common in care…

The Importance of Fluid Management in Burns Patients

Severe fluid loss following injuries is a major issue for burns…

Surgical Smoke Hazards: Causes and Exposure

Surgical smoke has a very unpleasant smell, and it can produce…

Diathermy Smoke Plume Management & Guidance

What is a Diathermy Smoke Plume? A diathermy smoke plume –…

How to Clean & Prevent Infection in GP Waiting Rooms

Every year, the UK is hit by multiple viruses. Some of these…

How to Choose the Right Hospital-Grade Air Purifier

For an air purifier to be hospital-grade, it must meet any relevant…

How Many Dentists Have Left the NHS?

In the past few years, thousands of dentists have left the NHS. How…

Smoking Outside Hospitals: Bans, Laws & Guidelines

In March 2022, Scotland banned smoking outside hospital buildings. Smoking…

Omicron BA.4 and BA.5: Transmissibility & Symptoms

Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 are two of the most recent subvariants…

Clearing the NHS Backlog in 2023: Plans and Estimates

The NHS is facing an unprecedented backlog. This is the care…

UVC vs. HEPA Air Filters and Purifiers

An intelligent air filtration system plays an integral part of…

Future Surgery: 15-16 November 2022

The 2022 Future Surgery Show takes place at ExCeL London on 15-16…

Smart Estates Summit: 8 December 2022

The 2022 Smart Estates Summit takes place on 8 December at the…

Air Purifier and Filter Buying Guide – A-Z

If you’re looking to buy an air purifier, this short A-Z glossary…

What is PM2.5 And Why is it a Risk to Hospital Patients?

Air pollution and quality is a key concern for everyone, particularly…

University & Healthcare Estates & Innovation Birmingham 2022

University & Healthcare Estates & Innovation takes place…

What Does Sevoflurane Smell Like & How to Monitor Long-Term Exposure

Though sevoflurane has a good safety record, like all anaesthetic…

Isoflurane Side Effects & Long-Term Exposure

Isoflurane is a general inhalation aesthetic. In healthcare settings,…

How to Perform Knee & Other Arthroscopies More Efficiently

Arthroscopy keyhole surgery procedures are highly effective at…

Preventing Infections in Burns Patients

All patients are at risk from infection in hospitals and healthcare…

How UK Hospitals Can Stop the Spread of Covid to Inpatients

A recent report found that more than 40,600 people were likely…

25% of Hospitals in Dangerously High Levels of Air Pollution Areas

The World Health Organisation (WHO) advises a maximum concentration…

Healthcare Estates Conference & Exhibition: 4 to 5 October 2022

The 2022 Healthcare Estates Conference and Exhibition takes place…

Air Quality & Pollution in GP Surgeries – The Effects

Asthma and Lung UK recently tested air quality levels at GP surgeries…

How Long is the Short Term Workplace Exposure Limit?

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) is a UK law…

Air Purifier vs Dehumidifier vs Air Conditioner – What’s The Difference?

Air purifiers, dehumidifiers and air conditioners all help you…

Penthrox vs. Entonox for Long Term Exposure

Penthrox and Entonox are both used for pain management in healthcare…

Long-Term Effects of Chlorine Exposure

The chemical element chlorine has been used for years in sanitation,…

How Air Pollution Harms Children in Healthcare Settings

A 2018 report revealed that thousands of UK health centres are…

Air Purifier Guide: What You Need to Know

If you’ve never used an air purifier before, you might be wondering…

Operating Theatre Temperature & Humidity Guidelines For Patient Safety and Infection Control

Good air ventilation is an integral part of effective infection…

Why Is PPE So Important in Healthcare?

Personal protection equipment (PPE) is vital for effective infection…

When & What Type of PPE Should Be Used: NHS & Healthcare

The NHS introduced new guidelines for personal protective equipment…

Health & Safety in Operating Theatres – Hazards & Precautions

Just like any other working environment, working in an operating…

Do I Need an Asbestos Air Quality Test? A Complete Guide

According to a recent BBC enquiry, over 90% of NHS trusts report…

Best & Worst Air Quality in the UK: Towns and Cities

What are the most and least polluted towns and cities in the…

How to Remove PPE in the Correct Order

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is an integral part of effective…

How Often Should You Change the HEPA Filter in Air Purifiers?

A High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter can catch harmful…

Come see us at the NHS Estates and Facilities Conference 2022

The NHS Estates and Facilities Conference 2022 is just a matter…

Improve Quality & Efficiency in Operating Theatres

Improving quality and efficiency in operating theatres brings…

What is an Air Quality Consultant?

An air quality consultant assesses the air quality in hospitals,…
The NHS Carbon Footprint Plus: how absorbent mats can help

Current Issues in Operating Theatres

Operating theatre teams around the world face fresh challenges…

What is ISO 9001 Certified? Meaning & Regulations

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) first…

What is a Hazardous and Toxic Air Pollutant?

All employers in all industries have a legal requirement to reduce…

Speed Limit for Air Quality: How Does It Work?

You may have heard about how some areas of the UK are trialling…

What Key Factors Should Be Considered When Selecting PPE?

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) can make a huge difference…

What is the Clean Air Hospital Framework?

First launched in 2019 by Global Action Plan and Great Ormond…

What Air Filtration Systems are used in Hospitals?

The 2020 pandemic highlighted the critical importance of good…

Come see us at BADS Conference 2022 – 16 and 17 June

If you are planning to attend the British Association of Day…

Introduction to the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist – 5 Steps

The World Health Organisation (WHO) first published their Surgical…

What is Surgical Steel & What’s The Difference From Stainless Steel?

You have to be able to rely on your surgical instruments. The…

How Do You Test Indoor Air Quality in Hospitals, Schools and the Workplace?

The air inside can be even more polluted than the air outside.…
The NHs Carbon Footprint - ways absorbent mats can help

Cleaning for Infection Prevention and Control in Operating Theatres

Studies show that surgical site infections (SSIs) constitute…

Decon UK 2022: Decontamination Conference for Healthcare

Presented by The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and University…

Isoflurane – Safety, Disposal and Monitoring in Hospitals

Isoflurane is one of the World Health Organization’s Essential…

How to Measure Air Quality

When we talk about air quality, we’re talking about how clean…

Types of Surgical Instruments – Names and Instrument Selection

If we classify them according to their function, there are three…

How Many Standard Infection Control Precautions Are There?

The Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs) are a series…

Tips for Surgical Instrument Care & Handling

Tips for Surgical Instrument Care Use as intended Misuse…

Infection Prevention and Control Conference 2022: Cairn offers hospitals breath of fresh air

State-of-the-art air purification technology will be taking centre…

Absorbent mats for urology theatres and wards

Whether you want to absorb blood, urine or irrigation fluid during…

Rising concerns over air pollution in city hospitals

If you are concerned about unsafe pollutions levels in your hospital…

8 useful tips for surgical instrument care

High quality surgical instruments can be an amazing…

Choosing absorbent mats for your labour ward

From amniotic fluid release to mild blood loss…

Poor quality instruments put patients at risk

Fears that contaminated surgical instruments are causing unnecessary…

Poor Air Quality in the Workplace: Is it Safe?

This week, Transport for London announced that it will be introducing…

Clean Air: The Smartest Addition To Your Business

Air pollution isn’t new, it’s something that most people…

Will Workplaces Change Forever Post-Covid-19 Pandemic?

As businesses begin to reopen and people return to work, the…

Face Masks & Beards: Will Corona Kill The Beard?

Facial hair has become a fashion staple in recent years. From…

Return To Work After Covid: Duty of Care & Sanitation

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, there’s been a range of different…

Why PPE Must Really Protect

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic there is much being reported…

Air purifiers and Coronavirus (Covid-19)

High quality air purifiers can trap and remove a variety of airborne…

Micro Surgery Instruments: Micro Scissors, Forceps & Needle Holder Technology

When it comes to selecting micro instruments for your next instrument…

Are Stille SuperCut Scissors Really a Cut Above the Rest?

If you are a surgeon with an eye for excellent surgical instruments,…

5 UK Medical Museums Packed with History

If you are a medical professional with a fascination…

A Day in the Life of… an Area Account Manager

Ever wondered what a typical workday is like for a Cairn Technology…

The Best Metals and Materials for Surgical Instruments

Today’s high quality surgical instruments employ a wide range…

Surgical Instrument Discolouration Guide

What is Causing your Instrument Discolouration? Light/Dark Typical…

N20 exposure risks to liver & kidneys

Hospital employees working in areas where nitrous oxide is used…

Why Buying the Best Surgical Instruments Can Save You Money

It might sound counterintuitive: How can an instrument that costs…

Titanium micro instruments benefits

Titanium micro instruments offer several clear benefits for the…

Surgical instrument care and protection

At first, it might seem strange that instruments made from stainless…

Controlling the Spread of the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus

As the number of deaths caused by the Wuhan novel coronavirus…